As I settled in the seat, Dean came and sat beside me. I started breathing unevenly and fast, and could hear my heart beat rapidly in my ears.

“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, concern laced his tone.

I nodded.

“Have you traveled before? I mean in a plane.”

I shook my head looking down at my cold intertwined hands.

In fraction of seconds, I was picked out of my seat and was on Dean's lap, it happened so quickly that it took me few seconds to realize I was on his lap. He moved my legs apart such that I was straddling him. Too confused about the situation, I looked up at him. Before I could open my mouth to question him, he cupped my neck and pulled forward to meet my lips with his.

His warm lips kissed me softly, taking his time, the softness and the slow pace shook my body in delight. His hands traveled down, caressing my every curve before he cupped my butt and deepened the kiss. The squeeze on my butt made me gasp and catch hold of his shirt, and as my lips parted in the process he slipped his tongue into my mouth. A breathy moan escaped my lips as he caressed my tongue with his.

When we heard someone coughing behind me, I immediately broke the kiss whilst Dean cursed under his breath. I put my head on his shoulder to hide my face. Now this was very embarrassing.

“Sir, we're about take off.” a young lady spoke to which I felt Dean nod his head.

“You're gonna be alright. I'll be by your side.” he whispered into my ear and I nodded my head in reply.

I untangled myself from his warm body and sat back in my seat. He leaned on my side, put my seatbelt and gave an encouraging smile. Entwining his hand with mine, he drew circles with his thumb when the jet started moving.

I closed my eyes as the jet took off. My ears shut off and I felt my stomach hollow until the jet was in air. Opening my eyes I smiled sheepishly at myself for becoming so anxious when it wasn't that bad. Not that we were in air, Dean unbuckled his seat belt and got busy with the work on his laptop. I watched out of the window even though there was nothing but just white clouds.

Slowly my eyes started to shut so I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes.

• • •

I woke up and opened my eyes only to realize that I was in bed and not in my seat.

Bed? There's a bed in this jet?

From the corner of my eyes I found Dean besid-almost on top of me, his arm firmly wrapped around my waist, and I was almost under him. His chest was pressed to half of mine and his chin was resting on my shoulder. I turned my face to him, our nose touched and our lips barely few centimeters away from meeting. I studied his face carefully. My heart raced as I thought about kissing him.

But you don't even know how to kiss, my mind mocked. I sighed, I know that's a lame thing but I never kissed anyone before, nor was kissed by anyone before Dean. I never had any boyfriend in school or in university. I was too insecure to give any boy a chance.

As I continued to study his face, he opened his eyes and squinted them to clear his image. Good Lord, he looked so handsome.

He nuzzled his nose on mine, and smiled. “Did you sleep well?” Gosh, his voice! It's so thick and rough.

I smiled back. “Yeah,”


“Dean, how did I end up here?” I asked.

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