Chapter Thirteen

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I procrastinated big time on this chapter XP lol But, I hope you like! Enjoy, my lovlies.


Chapter Thirteen

“Mike!” I gasped as he chugged his fourth strawberry milkshake in a row. Remind me to never dare a boy that he can’t do something, especially when it involves food.

“Done!” He shouted, nearly throwing the glass back onto the table. “Ohh.” He groaned grabbing his head.

I quirked an eyebrow at him, “Brain freeze?”

He nodded and started rubbing his temples, “I was only three away! Three!”

I bit my lip, suppressing a giggle. “You know I wasn’t being serious when I dared you you couldn’t drink seven milkshakes in a row, right?”

He gave me a pained smile, “I never back down from a challenge.”

I rolled my eyes. Men. “Well, now that you’ve done permanent damage to that little brain of yours, why don’t I make you something a little warmer? Like maybe hot chocolate.”

He grinned, “Sounds great.”

“Awesome.” I sighed, jumping up and walking over to my pantry. As I set about making us drinks, I let my mind drift back to the previous day.

Cooper kissed me. It was definitely unexpected. And the weird part was, I sort of liked it. Well, I guess it’s not that weird, but he’s a ghost for crying out loud! How does stuff like this even happen to average people? I thought this only happened in movies and sappy romance novels.

“Oh my gosh!” I looked over and saw Mike drooling over some mini marshmallows he found in the cabinet. “I freaking love these!” He held them up so I could see.

I let out a small laugh and shook my head. My boyfriend could be such a child. Boyfriend. And I kissed someone else. My best friend, no less. How many times can a person mess up in a one month time frame?

“You want me to use these in the hot chocolate?” I asked, taking them from him.

He nodded, “Oh yeah!”

I set the first mug of water in the microwave to heat up. Mike wrapped his arms around my waist as I punched in the time and pressed start.

“You’re awesome.” He told me. I turned around so I was facing him, my lower back against the counter.

“I know I am.” I replied jokingly, giving a small shrug.

He dipped his head down and kissed me lightly on the lips. I couldn’t help but note that he tasted like strawberries. “You’re gonna put extra marshmallows in my hot chocolate right?” He asked quietly, his mouth turning up at the corners.

I giggled softly, “Of course, your highness.”

The microwave beeped just as he kissed me again. I pulled back and turned to grab the mug, replacing it with another one full of water. Mike handed me a packet of mix and I poured it in, grabbing a spoon to stir the chocolaty powder and water mix. After popping six mini marshmallows in, I handed it to him and watched with amusement as he took the first sip. He stuck out his tongue and started trying to coax one of the marshmallows into his mouth.

“Having trouble?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow. He nodded, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration. “Why don’t you just use the spoon?” I asked, motioning my head in its direction.

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