Spiritus (Chapter Five)

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Chapter Five: Guess Who's Back.

"Aw come on. Please don't be mad." I pleaded.

"How am I not supposed to be? After already promising you would, you decide you don't want to track down the person who murdered me." He was looking directly at me, his stunning eyes piercing mine. He really was starting to look more solid.

"I'm sorry, Cooper, but you wouldn't want to either! Think about it!"

"I have thought about it, Mila! I would do this for you! Please, just help me out. I can't do it alone." His voice had softened.

"What makes you think I can actually find him?"

"I told you before, I remember the first half of his license plate number. I wasn't dead yet when he dropped me at the clearing, and as he drove away I caught it." Maybe it wouldn't be so hard to find the guy after all. The license plate number was a crucial piece of information that even the cops didn't know.

"Say I actually do find him. What makes you think I won't end up like you?" That was my biggest fear. Obviously this guy didn't care to kill people, or Cooper would still be alive.

"I know you. You'll be fine. You're strong." He looked expectantly at me. I knew he wanted my answer, but I just wasn't ready to go on a murder hunt. What sixteen year old girl would be? Looks like I'd have to suck it up, though. Even I had to admit, it'd be nice to know who could be so cruel. It couldn't have been anyone Cooper knew, there was no way. Everyone loved him. That meant it was just a random thing. Something they were probably doing out of boredom.

"I'll do it." I agreed eventually. He needed my help, and I was going to give it to him. A huge smile tugged at his features and he jumped up, running over to hug me. I gasped as I faintly felt his touch against my arms. "Whoa." I whispered. It may not have been a solid touch, but I could definitely feel more than the feather light, ice cold brush that was usually there.

He cocked his eyebrow at me, unaware of what had just happened. I shook my head at him, waving off what I just felt. "Well, don't just stand there! Get some paper and a pen. You need to copy this license plate stuff down!" I eagerly obliged, hoping to forget about the hug.

"Tell me." I ordered, hovering over the paper lying on my desk. He gave me the half of the number he remembered, watching carefully as I wrote it down. "Now, how am I supposed to track this?"

"If you Google it you can find some websites that'll track it for you."

"Even with only half of the number?"

"Yep," he said, popping the 'p'. I sat down at my desk chair and opened my laptop. Google gave me a few websites that seemed to match what I needed. I clicked the first one and typed in the information. I got a list of names and addresses, the rest of the license plate number filled in on each person's bio.

"Looks like we have five suspects..." I commented, preparing to print out the list.



"There are four suspects. That one," he leaned over and pointed to one of the names, "is registered to a woman. A man murdered me."

"Oh, right." I nodded and flicked on my printer. "We can mark her off the list once it's printed out." My phone starting buzzing on my bed and rushed over to pick it up. A number I didn't recognize was lit up on my screen. "Who is this?" I wondered aloud. I opened the message, figuring out it was Mike as soon as I did. A smile spread across my face as I read what he sent me,

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