Chapter Ten

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I woke up with Cooper's arm around my waist and the end credits of The Lion King rolling across the screen of my TV. I blinked against the blue-ish glow cast over the two of us and the rest of my darkened room, grabbing for my phone to check the time.

"Have a nice nap?" Cooper asked, grinning in amusement at me.

I yawned and nodded, reluctantly wiggling out of his grasp so I could reach my phone on the nightstand. When I turned the screen on I realized I had a text from Mike. Smiling, I opened it and read what he had sent me.

"Snow day! Wanna hang out?" My smile faltered and guilt washed over me as I realized he hadn't even crossed my mind once, I was too preoccupied with Cooper.

"You okay?" Coop asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm fine..."

"That's Mike isn't it?" He sighed, a knowing look flashing across his composed features.

I nodded apologetically. "He wants to hang out."

"Go ahead. You're practically dating the guy anyway."

"We're watching a movie though."

"Correction, we were watching a movie. It's over now, and besides, when do our plans ever come above him?"

"I've never actually blown you off for Mike before."

"Whatever. Just go out with him." He got up from my bed and crossed his arms, looking expectantly down at me. "You want me to help you with your hair so you can look perfect for the pretty boy?" I flinched at his harsh tone. Great, he's mad at me.

"No, because I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to tell him I have other plans."

"Have fun sitting in your room alone, then, I'm gonna see what my parents are up to."

"Don't leave! Please." I begged feebly.

"Bye." With that he faded away, leaving me in unsettling silence. Maybe I'd be hanging out with Mike after all.


"I disagree, Reese's Peanut Butter is way better than Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough." Mike mumbled through his mouth full of ice cream. I fought back a laugh, trying not to choke on my own dessert.

"No way!" I exclaimed, waving my spoon at him. "How can you even say that?"

"It's easy, I use my voice box."

I rolled my eyes, "Alright, smart-ellic." He winked at me and shoved another spoon-full in his mouth. "You're going to get brain freeze eating ice-cream that fast." I warned, slowly sliding a spoon into the pint of cookie dough ice-cream in front of me.

"Okay, mother." He rolled his eyes in response, making a show of shoveling another huge spoon-full into his already crammed mouth. His eyes went wide and he started letting out muffled shouts as he choked on the cold soft-serve. I bit back a bubble of laughter rising in my throat as I watched him panic, possibly debating whether or not to spit it all out or swallow it. He eventually got up and ran over to the trash can, returning a minute later with his face scrunched up and rubbing his temples.

"Brain freeze?" I asked, smiling smugly.

"Shut up." He murmured.

I bit my lip and handed him his cup of hot cocoa. "Maybe you should listen to me from now on."

He flashed me his breath-taking smile, "What's the fun in that?" I tilted my head to the side a little, taking in his appearance and unthinkingly comparing him to Cooper.

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