Chapter Eleven

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Sorry it took so long!


"Come on, Mila! Just tell me!" Arianna groaned, aggressively biting the head off her gummy bear.

"There's nothing to tell." I insisted for the billionth time since she got to my house.

"So, you spent the whole day with Mike and nothing happened?" She asked skeptically.

I shrugged and grabbed a red gummy bear from the bag, "Pretty much."

She eyed me suspiciously, popping the rest of her gummy candy in her mouth. "I don't believe you."

I rolled my eyes and threw the candy in my hand at her, "I'm serious, nothing happened."

She threw the gummy bear back at me, "Whatever."

I sighed and leaned back against the headboard of my bed. Arianna is all in favor of me and Mike making it official A.S.A.P but it's like there's something telling me I shouldn't. Could that something be the part of my heart that still belongs to my dead best friend? Ever since the day he was able to touch me again, the day he told me he loved me, I was so confused I couldn't figure out what I wanted anymore. Mike is so amazing, but then there's Cooper, and I could never hurt him. Sixteen years old and already I have to choose who I'd rather be with. It's like I belong in Twilight or something. Cooper is my Edward, my forbidden, my paranormal; and then there's Mike. My solid Jacob Black. Of course, Cooper isn't pale and he's a lot hotter than R. Patz, but you see where I'm headed with this.

I felt something soft bounce off my head, snapping me from my thoughts. "What do you want?" I asked, glaring at my best-girl-friend sitting across the bed from me.

"Why are you always staring off into space like that?" She asked.

"Because you bore me."

Her mouth went into the shape of an 'O'. "Jerk." She muttered, stuffing two more gummy bears in her mouth.

I smiled at her, "I'm just kidding, you're the most fascinating person I've ever met."

She jerked her head in a quick nodding motion, "And don't you forget it."

A flash of white behind her caught my attention, causing my head to snap up. Cooper was standing there, smiling and waving at me while the ever so oblivious Arianna continued stuffing her face with candy. How me and my friends stay so skinny, I'll never know. We eat junk and candy like it's our job.

"Hey, Mila!" Cooper greeted me, sitting right next to Arianna while she hummed a song to herself. I nodded slightly, making sure it wasn't enough to make her suspicious. "Is Arianna spending the night?" I nodded again.

"You know what I want?" The girl in question suddenly piped up.

"What?" I asked.

"McDonald's! I'm gonna go make a quick trip there, you want anything?" she asked, standing up and grabbing her keys from my nightstand.


"'Kay, I'll be back in a few." She walked out of the room, closing my door behind her.

"Yay, she left." Cooper yawned and grabbed a gummy bear from our half-empty bag.

"Can you actually eat that?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

He shrugged, "I don't know, but I'm about to find out." He tossed it up in the air and caught it his mouth. "I still got it!" He grinned at me, holding the candy between his teeth.

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