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  Today I am a woman on edge. I haven't spoken to Regan properly in three days! Mainly because I am still mad at him fro keeping things form me, I haven't seen or heard from either of my brother who are both out in dangerous territories even though I have asked... well demanded frequent updates, and I am taking my twins to be in the safe and loving care of out parent's which means leaving them at some point and I can't even phantom the Idea of doing that. A frustrated groan erupts within me, as I try to remember to pack everything for the twins.  


I clench my jaw not evening looking at who has interrupted my frantic packing.


 I wince at my tone as I turn to Machala who is now cowering out of the room away from me, the twins stir and Harmony begins crying which starts Harper off, making my head spin as I angrily shove bib's and cloths and formula into a suitcase, I beckon Machala in with an apologetic smile and she rushes over to the crib. cooing and calming them down. They settle just as I  finish packing and turn to see Machala watching me with sad eyes. I smile trying to reassure her. 

She has been with me every day for the past week, helping with the babies, visiting anika to read the book or check events, even on an evening when the house is empty of the men on patrol she  and riley will come and sleep in  my huge bed because Regan hasn't been here to object.

"I'm sorry Mika, I didn't mean to snap." 

She nods knowing I am under immense stress today of all days and lets it slide with another uneasy smile. I notice she is stepping from one foot to the other and now she wants to say something. 

"Spit it out Mika, you know I don't want anything kept  form me anymore.!" 

She giggles sheepishly. 

"I know you did but I just though that because you were taking the twins today, you wouldn't want to be disturbed with demon stuff!"

She looks uncomfortable.

"Did your father ask you to come see me Mika?" 

I have already scolded Noah for using Machala to get to me, anything the girl asks I will do but I feel no obligation to drop everything for Noah especially not today.

"N-no not really, he doesn't really know about this, I wanted to speak to you first..!"

The door opening stops her in mid conversation, my heart skips and Regan strolls in looking tired and weary, his eyes lock with mine and form pure love and devotion. I have missed him so much this last week, I can't stay mad at him for ever. Smiling I hold out my arms for him to hug me, and he does, squeezing tight for a second and then letting go. Machala stands quietly as he pecks my lips making sure to keep it PG in front of her, his warmth engulfs me and I calm immediately. I realise with sadness that my irritation and snappiness is not just stress but also the lack of contact I have had with Regan, 'I missed you' I link as he strokes my cheek and stares adoringly into my eyes. 'I missed you too baby!'

A clearing throat stops me from devouring him there and then, I lean my head on his chest turning to Machala who looks like she's just watched her parent make out. which it probably feels like exactly that to her. I smile letting her know Regan can hear what she has to say. 

"I have been having these dreams lately..."  

She bites her lip nervously as Regan and eye tune into her every word.    

"The dream is always the same, I'm walking with no I Idea where I'm going, through a town I have never been before and with a little girl I have never even met. The town is deserted  there is no-one around. Every time I have the dream it starts the same and lasts longer. the first time, I dreamt it we got to the outskirts of the town and I woke up, but when I woke I was standing out in the corridor, it freaked me a little but I used to sleep walk when I was little and figured the stress had brought them back!"

Regan sits down and pulls me with him. 

"When did they start Mika?"

I ask watching her as she has some kind of internal discussion with herself. She shakes her head. 

 "They started when Riley and I began sleeping in  here with Izzie, but there's more!" 

I nod and Regan keeps quiet to let her finish.  

"Every night the dream has developed, nothing significant happened apart from I was waking up further and further away from Izzie and Riley and closer to the door to my fathers basement!"

Regan's head starts filling with all kinds of things, mainly to do with that scumbag patent who occupies the room down there. I tell him to calm in my mind and continue listening to Machala. 

"and last night the dream turned terrifying. The girl and I had been heading into a forest, the walking had lead us to a clearing where it looked like a bomb had been detonated there was debris and craters all over the ground, in the middle of it all there was a large boulder. last night we finally got to the boulder and that's where I woke up, but not before I could read what was on it. and when I did wake I was literally at outside that demons patents room!"  

Regan's stand mentally swearing and cursing the demon, he is convinced it is some kind of demon magic trick trying to lure Machala too him, I'm not entirely convinced but it could be, Machala looks scared and I feel petrified, I promised to keep her safe but all along this had been happening and it was again right under my nose, we need to step up security on an evening, I brace Regan and sit him back down, we haven't heard the final piece, which is what Machala seems to be bursting to tell us. Regan sits and Machala twitches.  

"what did the boulder say Machala?"  

Regan asks as calmly as possible, so Machala doesn't freak out, which looks like what is happening already.

" It said Rusum Vivet..it means He will live again!, I wouldn't have thought anything of it if it wasn't for the demon!"  

I try to understand but can't get my head around it.  

"What do you mean, what about the demon!"  

I ask and watch as her lips tremble and I itch to take her in my arms and tell her to stop...stop talking, stop thinking about it and forget it, but I don't. I let her carry on.  

"When I woke up he was laughing, and singing. I was confused and couldn't focus and what the words were, he was singing.  'he will live again' he kept repeating and then then singing stopped, I pressed my head up against the door to hear more and almost scream when I heard him again it was like he was right beside me whispering in my ear 'he will live again in you Machala!'..."

****ha it's all over book 2 is done!, I'm glad it is, the third book 'Meaning' is already up, I have the prologue and first chapter ready. I think it will be the  most exciting out off the three and may even have a lot more chapters because there us going to be sooo much happening, thank you so much for reading and check out the final book please!!!! luv ye all!!!!****

Daydreamer Moments (Book 2 in the daydreamer trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now