chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Driving up the road towards the house I let out a huge sigh, I feel exhausted. Regan decided to go all out once we had eaten lunch. He took me to the cinema and let me pick the film. I chose a horror, much to his delight. The film wasn’t all that great, but snuggling up to Regan and acting like a normal couple was amazing. After the film received a call from Drew asking us to go to the supermarket to pick up supplies for the feast he is cooking tomorrow. Actually he is cooking the meat and vegetables, while Nate is working his magic and cooking all types of potatoes, we all argued that Nate’s potatoes are the best and Drew had to agree. Caroline will be baking desert from scratch but it is a surprise so I have no idea what we will be having. Wow I am totally off track, see what I mean about food on the brain! We were in the shop for over two hours, because every five minutes someone else would call with an order of what they want. Now sat outside the house, my feet are killing me, I have a slight headache, I feel like I could sleep for a week and I am hungry AGAIN!

Regan is already at the boot of the car, awkwardly climbing out myself I sigh as I stare up into the sky, the sun is just setting and there are a few stars glistening already.

“Hey baby...just go inside and rest you’re feet...we’ll get these!”

I look over to see Hayley and Isac stood waiting for bags to be passed to them from the boot. I close my eyes and open them again just as my bum hits the soft cushion of the couch.

“Izzie...I wish you guys would stop doing that!”

I chuckle at Riley’s scowl and he turns back to the game of monopoly he is playing with Machala, Mickey and Kate. Nate is asleep on the couch opposite me; he has a open book on his chest and drool running down his chin. Ha Photo opp. I reach In my bag for my phone, I snap a few pictures to use as blackmail in the future.

“How did the scan go?”

Kate leans forward to take the scan photo from my hand. Mickey peers over her shoulder as they both examine the picture

“Wow Iz this is amazing, you can see everything”

Mickey’s face is screwed up in concentration.

“What are we looking at...?”

Kate rolls her eyes and begins pointing at the picture.

“Here...see...head, arm, leg...another head!”

He cocks his head to the side and his eyes widen in excitement.

“Yeah I can see it now!”

Machala put out her hand.

“Let me see!”

Mickey hands her the picture and she begins scrutinizing it.

“Wow...they really are growing looks like half way there already!”

Mickey studies Machala for a few minutes; he looks confused and begins to scratch the nape of his neck.

“How can you tell Mika?”

Machala blushes and drops her head. I know she has been pregnant before and it breaks my heart to think she could have been at any stage of a pregnancy when her monster of a father beat her until she miscarried. I watch as Riley’s back stiffens, he takes her hand while he removes the picture from her other.

“She’s obviously seen one before...I remember seeing my aunts scan picture before...but they all look the same to me!”

Machala must have told Riley about what happened to her, I find myself gawping at how protective he is of her, he hands me back the picture just as Regan appears beside me. Riley practically jumps onto my lap.

Daydreamer Moments (Book 2 in the daydreamer trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now