Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Ayesha doesn’t argue she just closes her eyes, and so do I. When I open them again, I am stood in the centre of a large room. The walls are virgin white and the light blinds me. There are candles scattered all over the floor, there’s no furniture. I can hear a low mummer and I turn just as Ayesha does to see a small plump woman sat on the floor with her legs crossed and eyes closed. A smile appears on her lips as she opens her eyes.

“Hello Isabella...I had a feeling you would be coming to see me.”

She smiles and I find it contagious as a smile creeps in my lips, I find myself walking towards her and sitting in front of her, Ayesha sits next to me and her mother gives her a loving and re assuring smile. She places a hand on my still sore and swollen cheek. I still can’t open my eye and my breathing is slightly shallow because of the damaged caused when they used me as a punch bag.

“Now...why have you not left like I asked?”

“I will not leave without you!”

I cross my arms over my chest like a stubborn child would, but I don’t care, it is not their fault they are here, they are being forced to do this. It wouldn’t be moral to leave them here; I don’t care if they think I’m too important. She sighs and drops her hand from my cheek.

“I understand you can teleport others...yes?”

I nod

“But you cannot do this without the others...yes?”

I nod again and I see the indecision in her eyes.

“Please understand if I drop my spells and allow your power to return they will know immediately and go straight to my family!”

the pain and worry in her eyes has me second guessing myself, I try to look and sound as convincing as possible.

“I don’t want to put your family in danger...I could go to them and protect them until my family arrives. With my abilities I should be able to hold them off until then!”

Ayesha squirms beside me, she looks so worried.

“What if you can’t...what if you get hurt?”

I shake my head, and smile weakly at her.

“It is a chance I am going to take...I can’t leave you here!”

I have made my decision; I stand and hold my hand out to Ayesha. She looks at it and then too her mother. Her mother nods stands pretty quickly for how fragile she looks. Ayesha takes my hand and stands with us.

“We will come with you...I may be able to husband, son and sister are the ones being held and I have to do everything I can to keep them safe!”

I nod; I don’t even know her name. As if reading my mind she holds out her hand.

“Call me close your eyes, when you open them again all of my spells will be gone... and you will be alone. We are unable to draw your energy without the spells.”

I close my eyes. When I open them again I squint to make my eyes adjust from the contrast of the bright room to this dark one. A revolting stench passes under my nose as I gag and hold my hand over my mouth; it smells like sewerage in here. The walls are black and covered in dirt, well at least I hope its dirt. I feel mia and Ayesha’s hands leave mine, I hear sniffs and sobs behind me and turn to see Ayesha hugging an older woman, and mia is in a group hug with a man and a boy around the age of nine. I notice the door and immediately barricade it with my mind, although I am pretty sure demons can teleport. I open my mind link.

Daydreamer Moments (Book 2 in the daydreamer trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now