chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I’m having the life squeezed out of me, I haven’t even had the chance to open my eyes before Gabriella grabbed me and started to squeeze. Regan is here with me, he is standing beside me chuckling at plight.

“Oh my dear...I’ve been so worried about you!”

She finally let me go, I catch my breath before looking around the room. Isac is here with Hayley sat on his knee, they are both smiling and giggling at me. A young woman is stood behind Hayley, she is looking off into the distance not really taking much notice of her surroundings.

“This is guardian!”

Hayley waves here hand and the woman looks at me and nods a hello, I wave back shyly. Machala and Riley are here too, there sat on the floor playing a card game with Aiden and another man, I assume is Riley’s guardian. Regan is looking around the room searching for something. Gabriella pulls us over to the bed to sit.

“Now...tell you are feeling!”

“I’m fine Gabriella!”

She frowns and it makes me giggle.

“I’m not lying...I just hope we can get to Valarie before she tries to hurt someone else!”

Gabriella’s eyes glaze over at the mention of Valarie and I swear I see rage flicker in them.

“You will never have to worry about her again!”

She begins to shake and her hands clench into fists at her side, Aiden jumps up from the floor and wraps an arm around her waist.

“Calm down have already won!”

Gabriella takes long slow breaths and the shaking stops, she still looks slightly pissed but a smug smile plays on her lips as me and Regan look at each other with questioning looks.

“What have you won?”

Aiden smiles and looks down at Gabriella with awe and love.

“My little warrior here took out Valarie and her pests...all on her own I might add!”

Gabriella pinches Aiden’s arm will chuckling.

“I wasn’t all alone...Ashton was with me...although he was a little distracted!”

She looks concerned for a split second then smiles again. Regan tenses beside me when she says Ashton’s name.

“What happened...was anyone hurt?”

I search Aiden and Gabriella’s eyes for a reaction to my question.

“No one was physically hurt...the police intervened eventually and carted Valarie off to a mental institution, the humans that were possessed by the demons are all recovering fine, although most of them are criminals so they will be locked up shortly!”

I let out I sigh of relief, put quickly suck in a sharp breath when I see Regan’s anxious face. He turns to Gabriella with pleading eyes.

“What about Ashton?”

Her gaze drops so we can no longer see her magnificently multi coloured eyes, Aiden begins to rub her back affectionately, while he offers Regan a short apologetic smile.

“He dashed off before you guy’s got here...he’s not himself at the moment...he is hurting!”

Regan begins breathing heavy, I take his hand trying to calm him, Aiden takes Gabriella back to the card game. Isac get’s up and stands in front of Regan, he places his hand lightly on his shoulder. Regan is not focussing on anything, he looks like he is finding hard to breath, the connection you feel between your guardian is so strong when you’re in anika. I could feel slight sadness radiating from Gabriella and looking over to the group on the floor I see Machala staring at Aiden with a pained expression.

Daydreamer Moments (Book 2 in the daydreamer trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now