Chapter 6

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Chapter  6

My mouth is hanging open, as I stare at Ayesha’s lips. I’m trying to decipher what she has just said. I feel Regan’s hand slip from mine as he jumps to his feet.

“BABIES! You said babies.....she said babies!”

He is stood pointing at Ayesha. I sit up, pulling my shirt down. Ayesha stands and nods her head, she looks unsure as to what to do. Her aunt is smiling and trying hard not to chuckle, Ayesha looks to me and then back to Regan.

“Yes....babies....two strong healthy heart beats!”

I turn to Regan, he has a glazed look in his eyes and he wobbles slightly, he shakes his head as if trying to clear a thought. His head turns towards me as a huge smile spreads across his face, I let out a shaky sigh as he pulls me to my feet and spins me around.

“Oh wow Iz...I’m going to be a daddy!”

He stops and places me on my feet; I feel dizzy from the spinning and sit down with thump, two babies! Regan sits next to me and begins stroking my back.

“Baby... you okay?”

He has a smile o his face but there is such worry and concern in his eyes, it doesn’t match and I find myself chuckling at him. His gaze turns to amusement as he leans in and kisses my head.

“I’m so happy baby...”

I have no idea how we are going to cope, and I am petrified at the thought of giving birth not once, but twice, but I can’t help but feel happy too.

“I’m happy too...I’m just worried...are we going to be able to do baby is allot at our age....but two?”

Regan shakes his head while he laughs.

“Everything is going to be fine baby...we have months to we have a large group of family and friends who will be here to help!”

I look around at my family and see everyone is wearing the same goofy smile as Regan, except for Ayesha aunt who is looking immensely uneasy! I feel my stomach lurch as I frown at her, everyone else notices my change in mood and Ayesha asks her aunt a question. She answers, it’s long and looks serious, I grab Regan’s hand and squeeze, what could be wrong?

Ayesha turns back to us and looks around at the questioning faces, she looks bewildered and shocked. I look at her pleadingly and she sits down on the couch next to me.

“You are aware you are part Hevon...yes!”

I nod to her question.

“The link you have with Regan, Isac and Hayley has brought out allot more of your hevon heritage...”

I gesture for her to go on, she pauses slightly, she’s thinking of how to tell us!

“Hevon pregnancies are allot different to human pregnancies, they develop much faster...”

“What do you much faster?”

Drew’s voice makes me jump; I hadn’t noticed he was stood right behind me.

“Hevon’s are normally only pregnant for four months!”

Ayesha is not looking at me, she is staring at Drew. Both Regan and I are stunned to silence.

“How long has Izzie been pregnant?”

I look from Drew to Ayesha, Drew has taken on the roll of question master, and Ayesha looks to her Aunt for confirmation, she speaks and takes her time again, explaining something else that makes Ayesha gasp.

“What!.....What is it?”

Regan is on his feet now towering over Ayesha; she looks worried so I pull him down next to me again. Ayesha turns to me and smiles a shy smile.

“ have only been pregnant for a few weeks...but the babies are already showing to be at around 12 weeks....your pregnancy is developing much quicker than a aunt seems to think it is because of who you are!”

Regan sucks in breath as we both look down to my stomach, I notice it looks slightly swollen and gasp myself, it was not like that when we were in captivity, it’s like my body is changing as we watch. I look up at Ayesha’s aunt.

“When do you think I will have my babies?”

Ayesha translates for me, and we all wait patiently for her answer. I watch as Ayesha’s face turns to a look of pure horror, my gut clenches.

“She thinks you will grow rapidly over the next couple of weeks. You will have to rest allot so your body can cope with the rapid change, if the babies stay full term then you will give birth in roughly one month’s time!”

My stomach flips as I feel nausea take over, I hear gasp and shuffling. The bile rises in my throat but I swallow it down. Drew places his hand on my shoulder and squeezes slightly.

“Don’t worry guys...we are all here for you both!”

I bend my head back so it is lying on the sofa and I can see Drew’s face. He looks so sure of himself; it makes me calm completely as I think about meeting my babies for the first time in just one month’s time. My excitement grows as the volume in the room increases, everyone is buzzing with happiness and excitement, even Regan looks delighted with the discovery that we have hardly any time to plan or get used to the idea of two babies.

I’m still a little dazed as I hug and kiss everyone, as they congratulate us. Regan has a firm grip on my waist, I have a feeling I am going to be under lock and key for the next four weeks. Drew is the last one to come to us as everyone else leaves to their rooms.

“Iz...I’m so happy for you...I’m still a little shocked but at least we have a whole month to get used to the idea huh!”

Drew flashes Regan a mocking grin and is met with a sharp punch in his arm, I chuckle as a watch them both play fight. I yawn loudly, opening my mouth as far as I can, I feel exhausted. The guys stop immediately they both have a guilty look on their face. Drew hugs me and then kisses me on the forehead.

“Good night sis...get some well needed look like crap!”

Now it’s my turn to punch him in the arm as he smirks at me, he runs out of the lounge before I connect with him again. Regan is trying hard not to laugh and I throw him a death glare, making him straighten up and pull me into a hug. I sigh as I breathe in his scent, it burns my nostrils as I inhale deeply and let out a lustful sigh.

“Close your eyes baby”

I do as I’m told, and I keep them closed as Regan lays me down on my clean, cushiony bed. He takes off my shirt and shorts, slowly and carefully. His hand strokes my stomach slightly. I keep my eyes closed, mainly because I am too exhausted to open them, but also because his touch feels so good. The bed dips and I feel Regan hovering over me, his bare thigh slides between mine and his strong arms brace themselves at the side of my head. The heat from his body warms mine as he leans closer. My heart beat peaks as his lips brush mine. I groan as he pulls away slightly, I want to taste him, I need to feel him. I open my eyes and flinch slightly, his face is closer than I thought and his ice blue eyes are sparkling with amusement.

I raise an eyebrow, trying to tell him I am in no mood for games and I feel his deep chuckle vibrate through us. He smashes his lips against mine, much more urgently now. His hands stroke up my thigh as he licks my bottom lip for entrance, I gladly open and moan as his taste explodes in my mouth. His hand reaches the curve of my breast and I whimper as he brushes past it finally placing it gently on my cheek. The kiss deepens further as I try to mould closer to him. I’ve missed him so much. A small tear slides from my eye and I catch a sob that threatens to escape. His tongue strokes mine one last time before it exits my mouth, both our breathing is heavy as he pecks my swollen lips one last time and rolls to his side. His arms wrap around me and pull me closer to him, so my back is pressed against his firm warm chest. His hand lay lightly on my stomach. His breathing is heavy and slow, he must have been so exhausted. I close my eyes feeling safe and sound, I pray silently for the safety and health of everyone I hold dear.

Daydreamer Moments (Book 2 in the daydreamer trilogy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя