Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Okay two two three...own two three!"  

Hayley and I have been practising breathing technique's for the last half an hour, every time I think I'm ready to leave anika and return to my body I start to panic, so she search's in events to find an anti natal class so we can go through 'techniques'.  

"Right one more time one two.."  

I'm ready! I need to get to Regan he will make me feel better!  

"are you sure, you did say that about three techniques ago!"  

Hayley raises a cynical eyebrow and grins. I slap her arm as she moves from behind me and lays next to me on the bed, where her actual body is next to mine back on earth.  

"Shall we link the boys and let them know we are coming?"    

Hayley shakes her head.    

"they both have the links closed, it's been so stressful and painful no one wants to feel what the others a feeling!"  

  I squeeze her hand understanding, as we close our eyes, here we go! damn I'm terrified!  

  The silence in the room is a little unnerving I wont lie. No sound, smell and most importantly no pain. I'm almost considering not evening opening my eyes. Urgh...what is that! it feels like I just peed my pants.    


  My eyes shoot open and land on a petrified Regan, his head in the direction of my spread legs on the bed, where there is now a visible wet patch, I'm just relieved there is no pain yet!. Regan still hasn't noticed that my eyes are open, his hand is slowly crushing mine as he watch's Mia who is casually looking between my legs and tutting speaking Spanish I think. A small giggle sound from beside me and his head immediately snap to look at the source, but they don't get there instead they land on me, my heart skips and melts as I watch the agonising grief wash away to be replaced by admiration and relief.    

"Oh thank god!"  

  He closes is eyes and leans his head back letting out a long strangled breath before kneeling down beside the bed and cupping my face with his free hand, he kisses me so tenderly my eyes well and a lone tear rolls down my cheek. He is freely sobbing as he pulls away, afraid he may break me. The bed moves and I watch as Hayley climbs off the bed ushering Mia who seems happy enough to leave out of the room. I guess the babies Aren't coming just yet!.  

  Regan comes around the bed, climbs over to me and gently places my head on his lap, I look up to him patiently waiting for him to control his sobs,  

  "I....I thought...I"  

  I reach up smoothing out the creases in his forehead with my thumb, he begins deep breathing trying to control himself.  

  "I'm okay Regan, please I promise never to leave you"  

  His lips crash into mine so hard it hurts, his tongue stabs my lips forcing entrance as he eagerly kisses me like his life depends on it, his hand tangled in my hair causing a thousand pin pricks explode over my head. It's so needy but loving at the same time, I give in and let him control me. while he kisses me he shows me images of all that has happened. The first image is an explosion in my dads office when he screamed warning us of the invasion in my home, the next is of him being hastily introduced to Noah's coven and reuniting with everyone, the third is the time he found my lifeless body lying in Astons arms on one of the red couches in this room, I whimper slightly at the pain he had in the moment but he deepens the kiss quickly making me forget it. After that it all goes blank as he pulls away so quick I worry he may have whiplash! His lips are swollen from the kiss as I stare in a lustful haze. The Haze disappears as a dull ache burns through my stomach turning into agony within seconds. Regan garbs my hand as I clutch my stomach.

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