Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

   My whole body feels like I have been in a severe traffic collision, and my skin is glistening after the strenuous births of my twins, my throat burns from the screams and moans but I still have a huge smile on my face and nothing but happy tears in my eyes as I look down into the tiny scrunched up faces of my daughter and son. Regan is cooing over them while Caroline helps Mia clean up. 

  Harmony was born first at 4.34am weighing a perfect 6lb exactly and then her brother joined quickly after born at 4.55am at 6lb 3 oz. He  scream blue murder until he was placed on my chest with his sister. They are so tiny I can't stop looking at them. so beautiful and perfect, sleeping so peacefully. The bed dips beside me as Regan sits carefully next to me stroking Harmony's cheek, it almost looks like she's smiling at his touch and I chuckle, followed by a wince as a dull ach builds from my abdomen.  

"Take it easy baby, your body has been through it today, I'm so proud of you, but you look exhausted!."  

Regan's voice is soft but stern, the whole labour has been over twelve hours from start to end and I feel my eyes droop as he gently lifts Harmony from my arms to lay her in the temporary crib Caroline has just rolled in beside me. My eyes snap open at the frustrated scream coming from Harper who is still in my arms, from the sound of him you would think he is in physical pain, I rock my arm gently trying to sooth him but he only get's louder. After placing Harmony into the crib Regan reach's over to and lifts Harper, and we all watch as he abruptly goes silent one he is next to his sister again. Regan grins while he looks down out our children.  

"He doesn't like being away from her huh?"  

Caroline observes as a small sigh leaves Harpers tiny lips. I chuckle with knowing, they will be inseparable I know from experience with my own brother.  

"Yeah we are definitely going to have our hands full with these two!"

  I yawn trying to cover it but everyone notices, Caroline kisses my head and leaves promising to return one I have rested. Mia pats my shoulder affectionately and smiles brightly at the twins before departing the room. Leaving Regan who is now sat next to me on the bed, ad my children's soft breath's filling the room. All I want to do is hold and love the babies but I know I need my rest, and almost as if finalising the realisation my head droops with exhaustion. Regan gently pulls me into his arms placing my head on his chest he sighs.  

"get some well deserved rest baby, it's been a long night and we all need some sleep!"  

Yawning one last time and giving Regan a grateful little squeeze I close my eyes.  

Anika? oh! I thought I might just dream a little and then wake up so I can be with my children, but obviously my subconscious has other ideas. soft coos alarm me to look right and I see M guardian cooing over the crib, confusion is an understatement as the moment. Sensing my stares Gabriella tears he gaze from the twins and turns to me.  

"They will follow you here if you want them her darling!"

  She looks from me to the crib explaining my confusion. the twins are still sleeping but I'm delighted they get to be with me wherever I am otherwise I doubt I would be entering anika that much anymore, my thoughts make Gabriella frown and I smile shyly apologising mentally. she shrugs and jumps on the bed next to Regan who has been lying silently staring at my hands. looking down I notice the small book my mother had given. I had totally forgotten about this.  

"Ah...yes you will only be able to view it in anika. it is not something that  can be viewed on earth.!"

  I jump at the sound of an unfamiliar voice as I search the room for it's owner. My eyes land on a young slick. Well boy really he doesn't look any older than maybe fifteen, his blond hair slick to his head reminding me of a contortionist dummy. his eyes are pale grey and if I didn't know he wasn't a thereat I would be slightly uncomfortable at his presence, his smile is the most friendliest thing about him and still that is slightly crooked. I looked to Gabriella who is appraising the  boy fondly which makes my mind up about him, if she can like him so can I.  

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