Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

My mother sits in my fathers chair and asks me silently to sit down opposite in the chair to my right.

I do as I'm asked and watch as she opens the small book in her hands. It looks old and agile,

like the pages will disappear into dust if she's not too careful. She opens and leafs through a few pages before stopping to reading something, she smiles triumphantly and then places the opened book in front of me.

"there can only be one reason you are here today Izzie, and I am not all too happy to see you here because it can only mean that you are nearing to death!"

My eyes dart from the book I was looking at to my mother as she says this, sympathetic and sad eyes stare back but she  doesn't look too distraught to know her only daughter is somewhere fighting for her life, this confuses me and she must see that I am battling with this realisation because she giggles again.

"Don't worry sweetheart, it's not your time yet! You will find your way back, but you will need this when you get there!"

She points to the book once more and I begrudgingly swallow the questions I want to ask because  they would lead us to the revealing of me being here which my mother has already said she can't know! The page the book is open on has yellowed and warn with age the writing is faint but still readable.


A powerful being, one in two of the same, the saviour of all, and watcher of everything.

changes must be made and seen, events re organised. lives saved and spirits taken.

The creator asks of you one thing. To be all you are destined to be and keep his creations safe.

The power and responsibility bestowed upon you is great, if it could be done by any other then

it would not be worth doing.

There are great enemies, enemies that thrive to destroy my creations. It is your duty to stop

these forces and live as I have given you the life to do so. There are many unanswered questions.

Questions only you can seek and find the answers to. But I have catalogued as much as I can in this

journal to help you when you need it.

It may come as a surprise to you but although I am your creator, I did not come to existence alone.

I have siblings, family of my own, that were torn apart long before my creations came to being.

This journal will help you find my brothers who have found asylum on earth and beyond, away from

my sight. find them and end this millennia of disobedience. THEY are the enemy, they are the creators

of all that is bad in my worlds. I love you my children, more than my own existence I am always with you

and I pray that this will help in your quest to save my beloved creations.

There is more to read but I can't go on. I collapse back into my chair searching my mothers face for answers I know she cannot give. she nods towards the book. I close it gently and place it on my lap. my mother stands coming round the table and kneeling so I have to look down at her from my chair.

Daydreamer Moments (Book 2 in the daydreamer trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now