Chapter 24

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Chapter 24.

It's been a week since the twins were born, they are doing everything new born are supposed, eating, sleeping and pooping! A lot of pooping! I'm so grateful for all the hands around me, I can't imagine doing this with just me and Regan, one baby Is difficult, but two is down right impossible, and because of there strong bond, when one wakes, the other does, everything has to be done at the same time, and they cannot be kept apart otherwise Harper screams his little head off, apart from that neither of them ever cry! it's weird but then these kids are not exactly your average kids!.

The room is filled with vases of red roses, I hadn't even realised but the twins were born on valentines day, so the flowers that kept rolling in were obviously all roses, they smell delicious and match the décor of the room so I'm happy. I have been on bed rest for the past week, with the birth and the trauma of just awakening from a 6 week coma left my body shot, so I only now have the energy to move around, and I feel a lot better for it. I have been visiting anika every night, mainly to go through the book, the only other person who can read not surprisingly is Isac, so we are relaying the information to everyone else.

one snippet of information we have kept too ourselves because we don't want to panic anyone and quite frankly, I disagree with it anyway, who cares if it's our creators words! just thinking bout the words makes me shiver.

We found the tiny paragraph in amongst detailed information about hosts, lists of names and places of humans that have the ability to host, creators and powerful demons. the information was brilliant it led Drew and Nate to find the host of Patent, who is the second in command of Lucifer and right hand man of the creator of demons and all the other evil creatures. it read like this...

A demon in human flesh can be exorcized without the loss of human life, with one exception. If the dark prince were to inhabit it's host, it will bring unstoppable damnation to the human race, for the host will not survive, once the dark prince inhabits it's host the host will be lost never to be found. No human can remain were the dark prince posses. If the this unforgivable act were to come, the life of such host should seize to exist within six hours of the possession, anytime after this will be impossible as the dark prince power would prevent death.


The first time I had read it, I felt bile rise to my throat. Even with the information I know neither I nor Isac could bring ourselves to kill Machala. We will never allow Lucifer to get his hands on her, but we wouldn't go to the extremes of ending her life to prevent it. it's reticula's, and it infuriates me that our creator would even consider the death of an innocent even if it is to save all of man kind, although I know that sounds pathetically modest and selfish, killing Machala would be like killing one of my children, and I will find another way! there is no question about it!

After looking through most of the book we have established there are three other creators currently alive and kicking, spitting out orders to there minions! The first is creator of all magic and fae, fairies, unicorns, witches and anything else that children's fairy-tale entail.. He is not evil, he only wants to share the world although some of his creations have caused harm and destruction to earth, it was not his intention, yes he has sort of invaded our creators world and placed creatures that are powerful and potentially dangerous, but apart from the odd rebel, whom we are working to rein in and remove, he is happy to come to an agreement with our creator to live in peace together. That is one happy outcome in our eyes, the meeting will take place later tonight and I am going t be waiting in anika for Aiden to come with news, if this works out we will have a lot bigger army to go against the other two creators and trust me we need it.

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