chapter 11

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Chapter 11

 I allow Regan to sit behind me on the stairs, his legs on both side of me and his head resting on my shoulder. My breathing is ragged and my heart pounding, he is waiting patiently for me to compose myself before I can tell him. The lounge door opens and Hayley storms out obviously pissed at Isac for disappearing again, when she sees us her face softens and she bends in front of me stroking my knee.

“What’s wrong Iz...where did Isac go?”

Hayley looks concerned but there is still some anger in her eyes.

“He had to go back and discuss some things with Gabriella!”

She sits beside me on the step and places a hand on her brother’s knee, Regan strokes my back tenderly.

“Want to tell us what is going on baby?”

I lean my head back and rest it on Regan’s chest I sigh; I can’t lie to him and the anguish I feel must be killing him at the moment.

“The council have made their decision...they will not allow Ashton to fall to be with Ayesha!”

Both Hayley and I shudder at the sudden wave of anger and worry that pass through us from Regan, he quickly blocks the feeling out, but it never fully leaves us only subsides slightly. My eyes fill because of the next part of the news and I can’t bring myself to say it out loud so I open my mind link.

“Ashton is missing...they have looked everywhere and they cannot find him...he has disappeared into thin air...where could he be?”

Even with Regan blocking most of it, the fear, anger and pure devastation he is feeling pours over us as we turn and both pull him into a tight embrace. We all jump at the sound of Isac chuckling and coming into view. Regan looks up to my brother with utter amazement, how could he be laughing when we all feel like this? Isac quickly sobers himself and sits on my other side, reaching out and patting Regan on the shoulder.

“Hey...don’t worry man”

Regan lifts his head from his hands and glares at my brother.

“Unless you have good news...I want a pretty astounding explanation for your happy mood bro!”

Regan looks lethal as he challenges my brother, Isac smiles, it’s not one of his brilliant smiles but it is a happy smile.

“Gabriella and Aiden has convinced the creator to let Ashton fall...with your help off course!”

Regan’s expression changes so fast I almost get whip lash, and I am filled with my own joy after my brother’s wonderful news. Isac chuckles and continues while he reaches out for Hayley’s hand, even she has forgotten how mad she was at him.

“The creator admires your courage and heart Regan...he is happy for Gabriella to guard both you and Izzie, it makes sense really, you two are hardly ever apart!”

Regan throws his head back and laughs out loud, I must admit I am overwhelmed with gratitude for  our creator right now, I don’t think I could stand Regan hurting so bad for a second longer. Isac face turns serious again and my heart sinks, Regan sobers from his laughter also.

“We still haven’t found him Regan...but Gabriella and Aiden have an army looking for him...and they do not want or need our help...they want us to enjoy the rest of our Christmas.”

He looks to Regan only when he finishes speaking, he looks worried but nowhere near as bad as he was before. He nods and stands a forced smile on his lips as he holds out his hand to me. As if on cue Marty walks out of the kitchen and bows.

Daydreamer Moments (Book 2 in the daydreamer trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now