Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Opening my eyes I groan at the intrusion of my mid day nap. Maria is stood over me smiling kindly. She is probably here for her daily check up. The last week has passed by in a blur. I have been growing rapidly every day and I can’t even see my feet over my large baby bump. Luckily I am no longer suffering from morning sickness and apart from the odd time the twins get a little restless, I have no other aches or pains, I just feel as big as a house

“You...stay...lay down”

Maria places her hand on my head, gently guiding back to the cushion, I am on the couch in the lounge, and everyone else is busy getting the house ready for our New Years Eve party this evening. Its fancy dress and I am really looking forward to it. I was originally helping in the kitchen, until I got caught yawning, and Ashton ushered me away to take a nap. I smile down at Maria as she continues her little examination, she looks happy enough so I’m not worried. Everyone who was here at Christmas is still here, we have invited close friends and family only, that way no one will freak about my obviously fast pregnancy.

The girls and I had a day out shopping this week; I can’t remember which day, because they have all melded together for me. We enjoyed it though, when we arrived back with our chosen costumes for ourselves and the boys, we were met by a very upset Ashton. He was in the hall way throwing what can only be described as a hissy fit. Regan was trying to calm him to no avail. When Ayesha saw him she ran to him and calmed him immediately, he was so upset and I had a feeling I knew why. That’s when I decided to make everyone sit down in the dining hall and explain exactly who Ashton was, with his permission of course, he was trying to figure out how to tell Ayesha, they were not a couple and hadn’t even kissed yet, but they were inseparable, Ashton was getting more and  more worked up about it, he hated  keeping something so big from her, and Regan also had told him about not being able to go back to ‘the clouds’ to see his parents, which left him feeling so lonely. Once I had explained everything, we all left Ayesha and Ashton alone. I can safely say they are definitely a couple now.

My mother approached me at the beginning of the week, she wanted to decorate our old nursery for the twins, I was a little apprehensive at first, I didn’t want Hayley to feel pushed out, but once Riley offered her his room, because he sleeps with Machala, my mother jumped up and down so giddy I couldn’t say no. So the house has been very busy and my mother has been working the guys day and night, she roped Machala in to help with some of the art work she wanted in the room. It has been so frustrating not knowing what they were doing, even all the furniture has been covered so I have no Idea what they have done in there, and I am just itching to find out.

The lounge door opens, Maria doesn’t even look up to see who it is, I smile when I see Regan walking in, my smile turns to pure glee when I see the plate full of food in his hand. He chuckles at my reaction. But he places the plate on the table out of my reach, I frown at him but he simply smirks and gestures towards Maria who is now stood waiting for my attention.

“So... is everything as it should be?”

Maria nods.

“Babies...Very good!”

She scratches the back of her neck while her face screws into concentration, she does that when she is trying to find the right words, and her English is not strong at all.

“Er...them will be here very soon...Maybe...”

She holds up her right hand showing three fingers. I gasp and stare at her unbelieving.

“You think they will be here in three days!”

Maria nods and smiles sheepishly before backing away and out of the room. Me head spins a little and that’s when Regan places the plate of food on my bump, I get side tracked and being munching on a mini scotch egg. I look up to him and he has concern etched all over his face.

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