Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I am sat on one of my couches in the lounge; we have been here for the past half an hour. Hayley has taken a shaken Caroline and Drew to our parent’s, what happened to Caroline has really made Drew crazy and he has insisted she get out of danger, I understand and can’t see it being a problem, Drew promised to return once she is settled, I told him there was no need but he didn’t answer. Riley is pacing in front of the lounge door where Ruben is guarding so he cannot leave and interrupt Katherine. Ashton and Ayesha are sat on the other couch opposite me. Nate is stood over by the patio doors looking out into the gardens, Noah and Kenny who is the other body guard are stood by the large fire place, no one has said a word since we entered.

I finch as one of the twins kicks out and stabs me just under the rib, Kenny is over to me before Ashton even lifts his head.

“Miss...Are you okay?”

There is genuine concern in his voice as he scans over my body looking for any injuries. I look at him properly for the first time. He doesn’t look any older than Regan maybe even younger. I smile at him when he notices me staring at him, and he returns it with a sheepish grin. Knowing that I am fine he stands to return to Noah. I grab his hand before he can and tap the sofa next to me. He hesitates and looks to Ashton who is watching closely. He sits and stiffens next to me.

“Noah...please come and sit, I would like to ask some questions.”

I feel Ashton push into my head.

“You might want to get rid of the gorilla at the door, I don’t mind these two but I don’t trust him!”

I turn and smile at Ruben.

“Hey know, you can go guard the kitchen door, you don’t have to be in here, Riley will stay!”

Ruben looks relived as he runs out of the lounge. Riley huffs and comes to sit next at my other side.

“Thanks Iz...annoying him was getting boring!”

He grins and I can’t help but notice how young he looks when he is just Riley my sixteen year old cousin and not Riley Machala’s boyfriend, who will kill and die or her. I ruffle his hair and turn back to the task at hand. Ayesha beats me too it as she turns slightly to face Noah who is now sat on the third couch alone.

“I know you’re a witch... I just can’t figure out if you are good or bad!”

She is scowling at him and I find myself feeling a little intimidated by her, I have never seen this side to her before, she is angry. I can honestly say I have never seen her angry the whole time I have known, even when her family were being used to hold her and her mother she wasn’t angry, more sad and beaten. Noah shakes his head slowly as he stares at the ground, he won’t look at her.

“I am ashamed that I have to use such dark magic...I promise you it is not my choice”

As fast as her anger had appeared, it vanishes and she is now looking at Noah with sad and knowing eyes, she has felt this herself before. She narrows her eyes slightly as if she remembers something.

“But the spell...that spell is so wrong...why would you use that spell on Machala?”

“Because she wanted me to...I have no choice...but knew you were a healer before I did it!”

This seemed to fuel rage in Ayesha and I sink into my seat as she jumps up and gets right up in his face.

“You ASSHOLE...what about the way could I have saved know that right!”

Noah looks at my stomach and seems to see me for the first time; he registers the information and puts his head in his hands.

“I-I’m so sorry...I didn’t think...I forgot she was holding onto the girl...I would never have done it if I had realised, it was only meant for Machala and no-one else.”

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