Chapter 2

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I enter into complete darkness whenever I pass out, or they knock me out. I have no idea where I am, I call out every time I’m here but no one answers me. At least when I am here, I get relief from the agony they are putting me through. Although I know when I go back the pain will still be there, I just keep hoping they will get bored soon and leave me alone. They have been torturing me, for what feels like weeks. I’ve been burnt, choked, slapped, kicked, punched, poked, stabbed and so much more I can’t remember, it’s all melding into one huge bad dream. I have tried my hardest to contact anyone I can, I think I heard Regan’s voice once, but I don’t know if it was my mind playing tricks on me. I couple of times the drugs have worn off and I have managed to slightly injure whoever was hurting me at the time, but it was nothing compared to what they did to me after they had drugged me again, so I resolved to stop trying. This is the longest I have been out; they normally wake me after five minutes to continue. They keep telling me I will crack, I know I would die before I did anything they want.

Opening my eyes, I take in a huge breath expecting to let out a silent scream again, instead it comes out loud but raspy. I can move my fingers, there now tied behind me. My chin is resting on my chest. I’m tied to a chair. slowly lift my head and sigh with relief. No one is in the room; the trolley I was laying on is now pushed to the far side of the room. The door is in front of me, and the table with all the tools that have used on me is set three feet in front of me, It makes me shudder as bile rises from the memorey of the bloody meat clever that is lain lazy for all to see... Just seeing that table..., I throw my head to the side and heave, there is nothing left to come up apart from the acidly bile in my stomach, I spit to get the bad taste out of my mouth. My right eye is swollen closed, I can barely see out of the left either. my lips are swollen and chapped and my throat is so dry it’s burning. My left leg is the most painful, looking down tears fill my good eye as I take in the state of my body. I am only in my pants and bra. My chest and stomach are covered in dry blood, I have a deep gash across my stomach and ugly bruises and burns surround it. My chest is bruised where they continuously punched me. My thighs are covered in raw open blisters where they burnt me with the blow torch. The stinging is unbearable and I’m pretty sure there is more than one bone broken in my left leg. The lightless movement makes me bite down on my lip to stop my cry of agony.

The green dim light is still on in the room, there is also light spilling in from the cracks around the closed door. I can see shadows behind the door and muffled voices. I have been hit up the side of the head a few times and my right ear is completely useless. I close my eyes thinking of Regan, concentrating hard I picture his shocking ice blue eyes and his beautiful smile.I open my mind link.


Nothing! My heart sinks to my stomach as fresh tears roll down my cheek. I'm not afraid of death. I know I will see my loved one’s again. I just don’t want to leave them! I don’t want to let these bastards win! Thinking of Regan and my family brings a huge knot in my throat, they will all be going out of there minds with worry.

The door opens, letting in a white light that stings my eyes. I squint as I watch the figure walk before me; the light is making it hard for me to see who it is. The door closes and my eye takes some time to adjust and finally see who is stood in front of me.


I spit out her name as if it is poison in my mouth. There is no smile on her face, she is emotionless, and she looks skinny, drained and weak. She comes closer and kneels in front of me. Her eyes scan over my body and finally land on my face.

“Please listen to me and believe when I say...I did not intend for them to bring you to me!”

There is no tone to her voice, she doesn't sound apologetic, sorry or menacing it’s just dead, no emotion just like her face. A small grin plays on her lips, a groal rumbles deep inside,she’s a bitch!

Daydreamer Moments (Book 2 in the daydreamer trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now