Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The band is amazing and has been singing all of our favorite songs. I have been dancing for the last couple, first with Regan, then the girls to a degree, no one will let me over do it, I’m allowed to slow dance with anyone but if it’s a fast song the most I can do is side step. But I’ve been enjoying myself and even managed to work up a sweat. It’s not unusual for me to get hot; my body temperature has been rising higher and higher with the pregnancy.

Regan is leading me out into the gardens for some fresh air. Glancing at the clock as we exit I notice it is 10:45, great we will be able to grab a good table for the fireworks. Just outside the patio doors, there are tables and chairs set up on the decking. Then wooden steps lead down to the gardens, around ten feet from the steps there is a visible yellow line showing people to stay behind for safety. All the tables have cute gas lanterns in the middle making the area glow in the dark night. There are fairly lights lighting up the gardens all around us. I notice a couple of guys walking up and down the lawn with boxes; they’re heading towards the pool house that must me where they’re setting the fireworks off.

I sigh as the cool air sooths my hot damp skin, It must be close to minus one out here but I’m not cold, I feel calm and refreshed. I bend my knees about to sit at a table nearest the patio doors, when Regan grins and shakes his head.

“No baby...our table is down here!”

He waves his hand leading down the steps. I follow him and as I get to the bottom I see a cute table draped with a white silk table cloth ready to seat two, a single red rose sits in a crystal vase in the middle of the table and a bottle with two champagne glasses stand next to it. Regan pulls out one of the chairs and I see a white cardigan lying on the seat. He picks it up and drapes it around my shoulders as I sit down. He then takes the bottle out and pours the bubbly liquid into both glasses before passing one to me. I raise an eyebrow.

“None alcoholic...of course!”

I giggle as I take the glass and watch him sit down at the other side of the table; his hand roams over the top of the table to take mine.


He clinks his class with mine and we both take a sip, I let the fizziness run down my throat and look out over the beautiful flowers of my favorite part of the garden, Regan is so perfect. The quests begin spilling out onto the decking behind; I see the others take a seat at a table right behind us, Kate smiles and waves as she sits down.

The crowd becomes silent, we watch as a faint blue spark ignites at the bottom of the garden; it looks as if it is just hovering in midair. At first I think it’s going to me one of the wheel things that spin glow all different colours, I love them. But I gasp as I see it move from left to right lighting quick leaving neon blue letters spelling out ‘ISABELLA’. I hear a few giggles behind but don’t turn. A red spark begins to glow next to the blue light of my name I sit as my foot twitch’s in anticipation to see what is going o happen next. The red light again moves from left to right leaving a spill of words behind it, glowing a vibrant red and making the lawn glow purple as the colours mix. My hand fly’s to my mouth as I let out a silent squeal. Right there in front of me, and all my family and friends, written in beautiful red and blue letters are the words, ‘Isabella Marry Me’. The crowd behind me erupt into cheers and laughter along with whistles and claps.

A soft touch on my cheek pulls my gaze away from the words at the bottom of the garden as I look down at Regan’s hand that has just brushed my cheek. The crowd behind slowly dies down to silence as I watch Regan bend down slowly on one knee in front of me. He takes my shaking hand into his. I look up from them and are met with his heart melting ice blue eyes, I can feel them looking into my soul, his gaze drops momentarily as he breaths out my name.

Daydreamer Moments (Book 2 in the daydreamer trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now