Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

It’s been three days since I have been back from my horrible ordeal with Valarie. My stomach has swollen dramatically in these past days, I can no longer fit in any of my jeans and I have to walk around in dresses or sweats. I opt for sweats most of the time because the temperature is dropping. It’s only two more sleeps until Christmas day. The morning after we found out Ayesha is Ashton’s soul mate, we all sat in the dining hall to discuss Valarie, when we revealed what Gabriella and Aiden had told us, everyone seemed to change into their more happier normal selves, and since then living with each other has been much more peaceful and normal.

Ayesha and her family are staying for Christmas, we had to go and retrieve some of their belongings from their home in north London, but that only took about an hour with the help of our abilities. Marty was bed ridden for the first day, and Ayesha’s aunt who I now know as Maria  took a shine to him, she looked after and cared him back to health, she has also been checking on mine and the babies health every day. Marty will be joining us for Christmas, he normally spends it with his sister, but he has admitted we are more like family too him than she is.

Our parent’s are arriving back tomorrow and everyone is eager to see them, Drew had the job of telling our parent’s that there 21 year old daughter is pregnant with twins. I don’t think anyone was expecting their reaction, my mother squealed so loud down the phone that the whole house could have heard it.

Ayesha has admitted to me that she feels a strong pull towards Regan, and she has no idea why. She spent almost half an hour telling me she has no feelings apart from friendship towards him, but when she is not around him she feels a pain in the pit of her stomach. I have assured her that it is fine, and she shouldn’t feel guilty about these strange feelings, it’s good that she has connected with someone. In reality it is me that feels guilty. I know exactly why she feels the pull. Even though Ashton will not see us when we are in anika, I know he still comes and guards Regan when we are awake, so Ayesha is feeling the pull towards Ashton. I hate that we can’t tell her but we promised we would wait until we know what the council have decided. We have been going back to the clouds every night but we haven’t heard anything yet.

Machala and Riley slept on their own for the first time last night. We were all sneaking around, checking on them all through the night. I wanted to ensure Machala wasn’t having bad dreams but I think Drew and Regan had other worries, whenever I told them they were being ridiculous they would say ‘we were teenage boy’s once and we know what they do’ in the end I went to bed and left the two of them to take turns spying on Riley. Machala didn’t wake once in the night and Riley did not shed one item of clothing so everyone was immensely relived and two people were immensely exhausted, I found it hilarious.

The girls and I had a catch up last night; we slept in the lounge again and pigged out on junk food, while watching the most romantic chick flicks we could find. The babies were a huge topic for our conversation. We all discussed baby names and how cutely we could dress them up. The conversation was a little daunting at some points, like when we got onto the labour, but when Caroline realised how petrified I was about it she quickly changed the subject and got onto the excitement of Christmas and New Year. We have decided we will throw a fancy dress New Years Eve party, so we will need to go shopping for costumes next week. Everything is getting back to normal, well as normal as it can be with my family and I am happier than I have been in a very long time.

I’m in the waiting room of the local hospital in Cheshire. Regan is sat beside me chewing his thumb nail. I don’t know why he is so nervous, we are only hear to get a picture of our twins, Maria has told us already they are healthy and growing fine, only just a little bit faster than she anticipated.

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