Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I can't see anything, it's pitch black. I have no Idea how long I've been lying here. i've tried to close my eyes and sleep, so I can enter Anika but I can't fall to sleep, 'they' have done something to me. I say 'they through ground teeth, 'they' left me here and haven't been back for what feels like days. I have called out through my mind link and no-one is answering. I have closed my eyes and thought of Regan but I can't teleport too him. When I arrived there was no feeling in any of my bod. I am starting to feel my fingers again and can move my right ankle a little. I really hope this wares off soon, otherwise I won’t be able to defend myself.

A white light spills into the room and I hear several sets off footsteps coming towards me. I still cannot talk and I can hardly move my head, A dim green light is switched on above my head, illuminating the room so I can see a little more clearly now. I can move my head slightly. I see Marty; he is stood next to a table in the middle of the room. A larger man is stood behind him by the door they must have just come in. I cannot see what is on the table and I’m not sure I want to know what is on there. I watch as Marty lifts something from the table and turns, I see the glisten of silver as he walks towards to me with a needle. No...No...No please no. OW! He sniggers as he drops the needle into a bin somewhere behind me. He hovers over me glaring down into my eyes. I can feel the drug making me drowsy and my whole body becomes numb again.

“We don’t want you trying to get up now do we?”

He smiles and it makes my insides run cold. This is definitely not my Marty. He holds up a small bottle of liquid for me to see.

“As long as I keep this in will not move...speak...cause havoc...or sleep...unless I want you too. We are going to have some fun with you little lady.”

He laughs and it echo’s around the room. I close my eyes again and concentrate the hardest I can on Regan. I am interrupted by Marty’s heavy breathing in my ear. I keep my eyes closed. I can’t stand to look at him.

“He can't hear you...even if you do get through to him...he can’t come here...they will never find you here...”

I open my eyes and try to glare at him. Where are we? Who or what is he? he must be working with Valarie. I look to the bottle in his hand and imagine flames engulfing it. It takes so much strength and all I get is a tiny yellow flame flicker on the lid. Marty starts to laugh hysterically.

“You don’t get you...YOU...ARE...WEAK!”

He screams in my ear, leaving it ringing and buzzing.

“You are too far away from them...your abilities have weakened...and with the drug I have given you they are none existent are nothing but a small little girl”

I can’t speak. I can't ask questions, why do they want me? If it was to kill my why not do it straight away. Surly the longer they leave it the worse it will get. Everyone who cares for me will never stop looking. I don’t care who they have helping them, someone will find me.

“Well...are you ready little lady...let see how much you can take before you break...we will bring you over to our way of thinking will be a very useful asset to our lord!”

They want me to turn? No way! Marty walks back over to the table and starts fiddling with something.

“I am here to break your spirit; we want nothing from you but your pain at the moment”

He sniggers as he holds looks like a blow torch. He walks slowly towards me and stands down by my legs. I hear a click and then the sound of a  blow torch light up. OH God! I open my mind link in a desperate attempt


I can’t finish as I feel the initial heat from the torch begin to pulse into my thigh. The pain builds from a low scorch to a full on skin melting blaze. The stench of burning hair and flesh, mixed in with fresh blood would normally make me retch but my brain can't decide what to do first, scream, cry, thrash or pass out. The pain is raw and excruciating, it’s suffocating me.Bile rises in my throat, summoning all of my strength to throw my head to the side so I don’t choke, makes the burning intensify, choking would have been better than this. Fuzzy stars blur my vision and the blow torch is drown out by ringing in my ears. That’s when I see her, as silent tears roll down my cheeks and the darkness pulls me in, I look at her terrified and disgusted face and feel nothing, the ringing intesifies and I reaslise as it turns to a groan that it is me, I'm screaming, and just brfore the cloud of sleep I have been begging for takes me, I glare into her eyes as her name burns my tounge...Valarie!

Daydreamer Moments (Book 2 in the daydreamer trilogy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ