Chapter 25

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On opening the door the stench that attacks my senses is indescribable! so much so that I choke back a cough. The undeniable smell of blood stinging my nostrils, the retched iron vapour burning my throat. My eyes adjust to the neon light that  flickers under the strain of he dim room. Mickey is still behind me grasping for thin air as he tries to pull me back. an evil chuckle surrounds the room as I zone in on the culprit.

He is sat tied to what can only be described as an ancient torture table, his body torn and dirty is soaking in his own blood as a viscous scowl erupts and he attempts to launch forward in my direction. My mind is still catching up to what is going on as I jump back, there is no need to, the mans restraints have held through all the obvious torture already, why would he be able to break them now!

Noah is stood off to the corner watching me cautiously, only two other men are in the room with us, one being Mickey who is currently stood mute behind, the second is a large bulk wielding a blood stained machete. I scan over the captured man as he pulls exhaustedly against the chains holding him down. He doesn't look like he is supposed to be dangerous, his sweat soaked hair sticks to his forehead mixing with the blood of a freshly cut gash on his temple. His build is equivalent to a teenager, he looks small and weak, the only thing that gives him any inkling of power are his cold black eyes, eyes that dare to come closer for a better look eyes that beg to be released if only just to rip my throat out. I jump again as the heavy door slams behind me and brings me out of those soulless holes and back into the room.

Noah has stepped closer to me, his stance protective but pleading at the same time.

" shouldn't be down here"

His cool touch has me pulling away as if it burned, he  drops his hand after it floats for a second and sighs running fingers through his hair. The knife wielder has stepped over to he back of the room waiting patiently, all the while never taking his eyes off his capture. Mickey has also snapped out of it and is currently hastily calling someone on his mobile, I don't really care though, because no one will be removing from here until I know everything that is going on!

"who is this? and why do you think it necessary to torture him!"

 I demand as the capture rattles his chains again and hisses at me, spitting blood at my feet. Noah nods to his friend who quickly silence him.

"It is a demon! and we are trying to get information, it is the only way"

Noah sounds stern but exhausted, I quite frankly I'm furious.  As I glare at Noah who leans back slightly from me..

"THIS is not just a demon Noah! There is a human being there! one that will be free of that scum an have to deal with the scars of what you are doing. you could kill him!"

My voice turns into I slight screech, hurting my own ears, the capture laughs out loud, not an evil chuckle, but a full bely laugh, making us all turn too him. his eyes become darker and his voice deeper and more melodramatic, making me roll my eyes. please!

"Your pathetic human is already gone! he couldn't have lasted this long, he is a shell and will never come back!"

I ignore him and turn back to Noah.

"Who is he, why is he s important anyway, why haven't you just exercised him already instead of this torture, Regan must have told you we don't agree with is kind of thing!, exorcize him and help that poor man!"

No shakes his head as the Demon start babbling on I a different language, he's really starting t piss m off! I clear my mid and let my imagination take over. I watch as a steel pate appears and clamps itself over the demon, shutting him up so  can carry on my conversation. It doesn't take much strength to keep him quite, it's like a tiny pin prick in the back of y neck. I stare at Noah who also seems grateful for t silence.

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