Altair, Arno, Ezio, Desmond, Edward x Reader

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"So who ya gonna pick?" You bestie leaned on the back of the couch

"Now that Jacob left I won't have to share my room" you replied

"What?" Ezio and Arno said in sync

"I still get a turn don't I? " Altair asked
You looked over at him sitting in the lazy boy "you realize I'm still not sharing my room"

"Arno and Jacob, even Ezio got a turn. So I should get one too regardless" Altair said

"Alright you can have a turn" you said with a smirk

Altair looked over at Arno who was glaring

"What's wrong Arno?" Altair asked

"You know what you're doing" Arno answered

Altair shrugged "not a clue"

"Hey love" Edward wrapped his arms around your best friend and you got up and pushed yourself in between the and hugged her

"This is my woman and I won't let you just have her" you scowled

"She's already mine" he said with a grin and pulled her into his arms

You went to make a grab for her and found a pair of arms around you.

"Now (name) you have to share just like how we share you" Altair said

"You fight over me you don't share" you said and made a failed attempt at pulling away and heard a knock at the door

Everyone went silent as you walked over and looked into the peephole

"Oh God" you said backing up from the door

"Who is it?" Arno asked

"It's mom" you whined

"I'll get it" Altair said

"NO" you said and pulled a smile and opened the door

"Hello darling" your mother said as she walked in

"Hello mother" you said as she looked at the house full of men "wanna meet my roommates? Their real great and made of awesome stuff" you said sarcastically

"Absolutely" she said and saw your bestie "(bf/n) my other child how are you?" She asked and hugged her

"I'm great mom I just moved in a few days ago" she said with a smile.

"Introduce us dear" you mother whispered and you cleared your throat

"You remember Arno" you said and he waved

"Hello dear" she said with a smile

"And that's Altair" you said and pointed at the loser who had plopped down in the lazy boy

"What an interesting name where are you from?" Your mother asked

"Far away" Altair answered

"He's a douche bag" you explained

"And the one on the couch is Ezio" you said and he turned around and your mom's eyes widened

"He's quite handsome, why isn't he your boyfriend?" You mother asked and everyone laughed

"the one in the kitchen is Desmond" you said ignoring the question

"Hello" she said and waved and Desmond threw up a peace sign.. Of course

"So uh mom, did you need something?" You asked her

"Yes I tried to call but you didn't answer so I came by, I wanted to see if you were busy Friday" she stated

"No why?" You wondered

"I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner" she asked

"Oh yeah I can" you answered and she smiled and left

"It was nice meeting all of you"

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