the swimmimg pool

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"you are so like- the luckiest girl ever" your best friend said as the two of you stood in the kitchen while you cooked steak

"how so?" you asked sarcastically

"you know exactly 'how so' you have all these super hot guys in your house.. all the time" she exclaimed

"I know I'm super hot" Arno said walking in

He put his hands on your waist "wow that smells really good"

Edward walked in and scoffed "really? thats my line you knew i was coming in here to do that"

"you can do that me" (bf/n) suggested with a smile

He grinned and walked over to her

"get out of the kitchen you two" you said

"thats not fair" they both said

"and I don't care" you hiding your smile

they left and you looked at your grinning friend

"you love having them here admit it" she stated

"maybe a little" you stated

after cooking you walked into the guys all trying on Jacob's top hat

"I feel quite proper in this" Edward said with the hat on his head

You face palmed while (bf/n) giggled

"I'm going upstairs" you said to your friend

"What? But there's so much we could do and it's nice outside, what about the pool?" She asked

"What pool?" Altair, Ezio and Arno asked

"There's a pool out back that you can't see from the house" you answered

Edward handed the hat back to Jacob "let's go swimming"

"Swimming sounds pretty nice right now" Ezio said

"Yeah come on (name) " (bf/n) said to you

"Ookay, good think I have an extra two-piece" you said

"What's a two-piece?" Jacob, Edward, and Ezio asked

The two of you laughed "I guess you'll find out, we will be down in a minute" you said and walked upstairs.

After getting your (f/ c) swimsuit on and your bestie changes into your extra on you handed her a pair of jean shorts and put a pair in yourself.

"Ready?" You asked putting your hair into a pony tail

"Yeah come on" she said grinning and nearly dragged you downstairs

The two of you looked at the room full of shirtless guys, you catch your friend staring at Jacob

"Don't start drooling" you told her

"I see you looking at Altair" she joked

"Nope I was looking at Jacob too" you said and you both laughed

Jacob rubbed his hand over his abs

"You two need to stop" Altair said "you guys are being creepers"

"Awe honey don't be jealous you know you're my favorite" you joked wrapped your arms around Altair who smirked slightly

"And there's goes that little smirk all of you do" you best friend said revealing a smirk between all of them and you watched her face get red "oh stop it you guys are killing me!"

"Okay okay let's go swim" you quickly opened the door and ran out

They followed you through the tree for a few minute before finding the massive pool

"It's huge!" Edward said "who is jumping in first?"

You walked to the other side and unbuttoned your jeans

"Woah I didn't know we were swimming naked" Ezio said as the guys all stated

"I have a two-piece on remember?" You said and took off your jeans

Edward whistled

You bestie took her jeans off and ran over to you putting her arm around you "mine!"

"Wrong!" All but Jacob said in sync

"I've known her longer than all of you" your best friend argued

"Well we are taking her from you!" Arno called back and ran around the pool and the two of you jumped in

"Cold! ... It's cold!" You yelled and wiped the water from your face

The others followed in while Jacob sat at the edge, you swam over and got out sitting next to him and put your hand on his back

"Now Jacob, you are part of our little family. So feel comfortable" you said

"Hey I know a game we can play!" Your best friend suggested

"Chicken fights am I right?" You asked
"You know me so well" she said with a smile

"What's a chicken fight?" Arno and Jacob asked

"Guys hold girls on their shoulders and the girls fight to knock each other off the other one's shoulders" she explained

"Sounds like fun" Ezio said

You were lifted up and you looked down at the blonde whose shoulders you were on.

"Edward what makes you think I want to be on your shoulders?" You asked

"Because you and I together will win" he replied grinning and you rolled you eyes

Ezio walked over with (bf/n) on his shoulders

"Oh we're totally gonna beat you " you bestie retorted

"Please, you picked the old man you think your going to win?" You asked "you're cute babe but very wrong"

"Babe?" Arno said "you're only supposed to call me that"

"Actually she calls me that just to let you know" Altair said

"No you are all terribly wrong I'm afraid, she calls me that" Jacob said and you looked at him in surprise

"Nicely done" you said and he winked and you did the same

"Hey now I saw that" Altair said "that is not aloud"

"You ready to play or nah?" Your bestie asked dryly while she emphasized the ending

You pushed at her making Ezio stumble backwards

"Kick him Kenway!" You yelled and Edward poked his foot out and tripped Ezio and they fell over

"HA HA!" you laughed pointing at her

"That wasn't fair you cheater!" She pointed back

"You didn't clarify any rules" you stated putting your hands on your hips

"There's always default rules!"

"What? You're gonna play that card?"

You were pulled backwards off Edwards shoulders and when you emerged it was Ezio

"Maybe we shouldn't play this game if the two of you are going to argue" Ezio suggested

"No one argues in that kissing game" Edward said

"Hush Kenway" you and (bf/n) said in sync

"We weren't arguing we were having a discussion " you explained and your bestie agreed

"How about we go do some drinking?" Arno suggested

"That's like the first smart thing I've ever heard you say" Edward said

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