skinny dipping mistake

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Let's just drinks might have not been a good idea

You peeked you eyes open with a visual of the situation. You sat up and noticed Jacob's coat around your naked body and quickly pulled it together

"Oh God" you next to you seeing Edward

"Morning love" Edward said through a yawn

"Please don't tell me we slept together?!" You pleaded and questioned

"Sadly not, you thought it was a good idea to swim naked. " he explained

You saw Jacob under a towel asleep on the other side of the pool

"Where the hell are my clothes" Altair appeared from the trees stark naked, you covered your eyes shortly after they made contact with his

"Oh shit (name)" he said yanking the towel off Jacob

"Where are our clothes?" You asked Edward

"At the house " he replied

"Are you serious?" Altair and you said in sync

"Yes" Edward simply stayed asleep but you got up pulling Jacob's coat together

"Grab my clothes please?" Altair begged

"You think I'm letting you off that easy?" You asked "I remember you pushing my in the pool"

"Oh come on you can't be mad at me" Altair said and you knew his smirking face was staring at you

"Fine" you groaned

"Mine too if you will, seeing as how you have stolen my coat" you heard Jacob

"Mine as well love" Edward said as well

You tiptoe/ran to the house seeing Ezio and (bf/n) cuddled on the couch, fully clothed thank god.

You snatched up Altair's clothes off the kitchen counter along with Jacob's pants and ran upstair for your own clothes, finding Edward pants on your floor. You took of Jacob's coat and slipped on shorts and a tee and took the guy's clothes out to them

"You're the best" Altair said pulling his pants up while you looked away and tossed Edward his.

"Thanks love " he said but stayed on the ground

You put Jacob's clothes beside him and put his coat over his birthday suit hiding your giggling

"Is something funny?" Jacob said grabbing your ankle

"No" you lied

"I can see you smiling (name)" he said glancing his hazel eyes at you with a smirk

You yanked your ankle away and began to walk off


You managed to clean up most of the house with the help of Altair and Ezio, so you decided to make food.

Mac n cheese was your choice.

You felt hands gently place themselves on your hips and while cooking.

"Where did you disappear to last night?" You looked back at Arno

"I fell asleep in the floor next to my bed" he said

"Next to it?" You laughed a little

"Not as bad as what you did" he said

"What did I do?" You asked.

"So I'm guessing you don't remember how you stole Jacob's coat?"


You pulled your naked self from the pool staring into the moonlight. It was a little chilly out.

"Cold?" Jacob said swimming to the side and got out while Edward and Altair floated silently

"A little" you slurred as Jacob walked up to you with his coat over his bars body although any you seeing each other wasn't much of a chance because of how dark it was

He put his arm around you stumbling as he placed his arm around your waist

"This coat is so warm" you slurred getting in it with Jacob "can I wear it?"

"What will I get in return?" He asked with a smirk

You tiptoed balancing yourself by putting your arms around his neck and kissed him and after a short make out session you managed to take the coat.

"Hey that's not cool (name)" Edward said

"Yeah you're supposed to be mine" Altair agreed


"What's wrong with kissing?" You asked Arno and turned around raising your eyebrows innocently

"Because I want you only kissing me" he said leaning in and you put your hands against his chest

"Don't kiss her!" Altair came in with a snap and Arno faced him

"Oh go away!"

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