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The muffled sounds if people arguing filled your ears.

"What have you done? You had one job!" 

"I didnt know she'd pick it up a second time!" 

"Theres a templar here! A templar!" 

"Sh-shut up" you managed to mumble 

"See? She agrees" 

You sat up and rubbed your eyes, your mouth falling open at the sight 

"Yes it's me" Altair put his hands on his waist 

You stood up from the couch and hugged him, legs included. 

"Why dont we get that treatment?" Edward complained

You spilled to him everything "they've all been terrible, ezio is messed up and connor is gone and Desmond and Edward have the dominance competitions- and" 

"I dont even care about that there is a templar here" altair cut you off and pointed as Shay 

You rolled your eyes 

"Oh if hes okay then im bringing back Arno back, jacob, connor even Haytham-" 

"Hey if my son and grandson was here we'd have ourselves a blast" Edward said proudly 

"Haytham is a templar" Desmond told him


Edward and Desmond started arguing 

"All my hair is gonna fall the f@#$ out" you said aloud 

"Bad words!" Altair told you and smirked 

You grabbed his face and planted a kiss on his cheek

"Shut up" 

"Well I missed you as well"

He walked towards the back door and pulled the apple 

"Altair playing with the apple isnt good" Desmond told him

"Silence desmond I know how to use this" 

"I dont think bringing arno here is a good idea" you told him 

"Why because Shay killed his father? Doesnt really matter now" 

"Who is Arno?" 

Desmond started to explain

You looked over at Shay, him clearly paying attention. 

"Bring Haytham and connor back!" Edward added 

"I'm not bringing another templar here thats mad, the only reason he stays is because its punishment for (name) touching the apple and bringing me back. And she clearly has feelings for Shay" altair said 

"Then if you're gonna bring Arno back I'll bring haytham" you threatened "and I dont like shay!" 

"That's even if you can get the apple from me, and yes you do" 

"Let's just bring everyone itll be great!" Ezio said 

You rolled your eyes "I'm gonna go crazy if theres any more of you in this house" 

Edward put his arm around your shoulders "dont worry lass  like Ezio said "itll be great" we'll  have so much fun with between keeping arno from killing Shay and all the kenways will be here its gonna be quite a party" 

Altair stayed inside and put the apple away "first thing in the morning, I want to watch TV before I have to start fighting for a turn. There will be a lot of us"  

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