the guys x reader

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You had the best sleep you'd had in a while, with a smile plastered on your face as you walked into the kitchen

"Good morning sunshine" Desmond said as he walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge

"Good morning" you said and turned to him while drinking your coffee

He turned to you and nearly choked on his water bottle

"Well it seems someone had good sleep last night" Desmond said while chuckling as Altair and Ezio walked in

"Hey beau- what the hell is that?" Altair poked your collarbone which you examined, finding a bruise-ike mark.

You looked up at Altair and smiled innocently "this can be explained"

"Do explain then" Ezio said as they crossed their arms in sync while Desmond stood by laughing

"It was put there by.. Someone" you stated

"I'm aware of that (name) now tell me who took advantage of you so I can kill them" Altair said and Ezio agreed

"I didn't take advantage of her" Edward defended as he walked into the kitchen as well "yes, I made the mark but there was no sex involved"

Altair looked to me and leaned close and whispered "does he lie?"

"No Altair, he's serious" you confirmed

"I don't know what you're upset about"  Desmond commented and Altair scowled

"Because we all love her and care about her, but we may have to return to our time one day so in all honesty we shouldn't be trying" Edward stated

"Besides" Ezio stated "she'd never be able to find someone more satisfying than an assassin"

"Because assassins always do it better" Desmond agreed and high fives Ezio

"You guys are so conceded" you said

"You love us" Ezio replied

Edward reached through the guys and pulled you into his arms

"So how did you sleep last night?" He asked as he kissed your forehead.

You smiled and tiptoed to kiss his cheek "sleeping with you was one of the best decisions I ever made"

"I don't like that, don't say that" Altair said and everyone laughed

You wrapped your arms tight around Edward in a big hug then kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you Edward" you winked and he smiled

"love ya too" he said and kissed the hickey he made on your collarbone

Ezio pulled you away from Edward and smashed his lips against yours.

"Ezio!" Altair pulled on your hand and yanked you from Ezio's arms

You smiled at them "I love you guys" you said and hugged Altair

"I love you too (name)" Ezio spoke and pulled you back from Altair before he had time to say anything

You kissed Ezio's cheek and was abruptly pulled away again by Altair.

"I love you more than they all do" Altair said wrapping his arms around you

"This is getting a little too cheesy for me" you said and pushed your way from Altair and walked away from the kitchen

"Hey where's Arno?" I asked

The guys walked into the living room and Ezio shrugged "he wasn't in his room when I looked this morning "

Well, guess you knew your task for the day.

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