Arno x Reader

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Everyone was supposed to be gone and you would have the whole house to yourself. When you walked into your room Arno was laying on your bed.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Altair?" You asked

He sat up and took your hands and pulled you in front of him.

"He decided to go with Ezio and Edward to the titty bar" he said


"No I dont know where they went. But we'll have fun today we can play call of duty and camp out together because no one is here to make fun of us" he begged

"That doesn't sound too bad" you say

"And the guys went and bought deadpool " Arno held up to movie

You grabbed his hand "well then let's go watch it!"

The two of you had settled down and started go watch the movie while eating popcorn. I watched Arno flick pieces into the air and into his mouth.

"You're good at that" you said

"I am rather gifted with my mouth" he said with a smirk and you looked back at the tv

Arno leaned over and put his arm around you which you couldn't help but lean into him. You looked up at him and kissed his cheek watching it turn red.

He looked at you and pulled your waist into his hands and kissed you, he let you down on the couch underneath him as you continued your make out session

"We are home!" Edward yelled and we quickly sat up

He leaned in between us from the back of the couch "have you been good with my love while I was gone"

"I was very good with her actually" Arno pointed out

"Arno how can you manipulate  (name)'s innocent mind" Altair mocked

"What do you mean manipulate?!" Arno put on the defence then stood

"I guess our little date is over" you said

Arno turned to you and smiled and put and arm around your waist "since it was a date let me end it properly" then he pressed his lips on yours

Edward scoffed
"Not cool man"

And Connor agreed "that was a rather creepy move"

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