breaks after painting

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You had finally decided to paint your room, after going over it with Haytham and (bf/n).

You went to the store and bought a ton of paint, brushes, lacquer thinner and some stencil paper to draw designs on.

Since you could pick a single theme for your room alone you decided to make each wall something different, and with your room now being empty it was time to start.

You had most of your stencil designs drawn out. Some outer space stuff, your favorite bands, and the other two walls were of the guys in cartoon form.. Well, it would look that way once you painted it.

You pulled out your ladder and worked on pinning the stencil up to draw, it was large and made it a challenge.

"Need some help?"

You looked behind you seeing Desmond in the door way.

You smiled "if you want to"

He grabbed the opposite corner of the stencil and helped you hang it evenly.

You began tracing your stencil, Desmond looked in your sketchbook at the designs you were putting in your room.

"These are really good" he complimented

"I've been drawing for a while now, its just a hobby of mine" you tell him

"Well these drawings are great. Do you need anymore help?" He asked you

"If you want to help me hang the rest as I draw them. That would help me"

He sat in the single wooden chair you hand in the room, watching you draw.
-an hour later-

You finished your second, unpainted  sketch. Altair and Ezio.

You put your hands on your hips proudly "what do you think?"

Desmond stood up, putting his arm around you as he looked at the wall

"I think they look pretty good"

The two of you stared at the master pieces you created for a short moment that was interrupted.

"Seems we can't leave you two alone either" Edward spoke as he and Connor stood in the doorway

You rolled your eyes

Connor looked at your wall "those are good drawings"

You smiled "thanks, I just finished them"

"Are you gonna draw me too?" Edward asked

"Yes Edward"

He smiled "good, make me look handsome"

You and Desmond laughed

You spoke "I'm going to take a break from drawing. You guys want to go swimming?"

"Sounds like a plan to me" Edward said already heading that way

You looked up at Desmond

"You know I'm going" Desmond said to you

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You floated around in the pool, Altair invading your mind. Thoughts of you and him keeping you zoned out.

"(Name)" Edward called your name

You opened your eyes "what?"

"Stop day dreaming, it's killing the mood"

You looked at him funny "what mood?"

"The good mood" Shay said as he walked around the edge of the pool

"Are you getting in?" You asked Shay

"No" he shook his head

"C'mon Cormac, don't tell you can't swim" Desmond mocked

"Of course I swim, I don't have the want for it" he explained

You added in on the fun as you crawled out of the pool "all I heard was blah blah blah I'm Shay Patrick Cormac and I scared of water"

He gave you a dry glare, you put your hands on your hips, still dripping in your bikini. You noticed how he glanced at your body before turning his head entirely.

"Well?" Edward asked "ya gonna get in or what?"

You heard Shay groaned a little as he slipped off his coat.

(Bf/n) and Connor along with Ezio came out just as this happened.

You smiled brightly before jumping in "pool party!"

You looked up at Shay shedding of his shoes before standing up straight, revealing a perfect set of abs.

"(Name)" Desmond called out "stop staring at the Templar!"

You scowled at him "I was not!"

"Yes you were, I saw you" Edward added as he lifted you into his arms

"Well if you hadn't been staring at me then you wouldn't have known I was staring at Shay!" You yelled at Desmond and everyone laughed

A light smile on Shay's face as he dove into the pool

"C'mon Ezio!" Desmond yelled at him already dressed in swim trunks

"I feel stupido in this"

"You look fine get in" you yelled at him and he shrugged before free falling into the pool

"Hey (name) let's have a chicken fight in our new pool" your best friend challenged you as she scrambled onto Connor's shoulders.

"Are you kidding? He freakin tall pick someone else!" You complained and she shook her head

"I'm tall" Edward stated

"He has like five extra inches on you" you told him and he scowled

"Shay's tall" Desmond pointed and you looked over at him

"What?" He questioned your motives

"Come here Shay we're gonna play a game" you said as you used his arm to pull yourself closer and grabbed his shoulders

"What are the rules of the game?" He asked as you climbed onto his shoulders, his hands resting right above your knees to hold you in place.

"Use grappling to force (bf/n) off Connors shoulders before they knock me off" you explained

He looked up at you, his deep brown eyes pulling you in "I won't allow you to fall"

"I regret saying his name" Desmond ruined the moment

"Yeah, really need to learn to close your mouth" Edward told Desmond

"Okay ready?" Your bestie asked you


"Okay, Go!"

Your hands quickly locked with hers.

"You're gonna lose! Connor is the best!" She said to you and you laughed
"You're so wrong!" You said as you continued to fight with her "and I about prove it- Shay, deal with Connor"

Shay shoved at Connor as the two locked together so did you and (bf/n)

I grabbed her elbow and pulled her, Connor only covering her near fall as Shay tripped the assassin, making them both fall over.

Your arms went up in victory "I told you so! Whoo! The Kenway grandson has been stopped in his tracks"

"Okay okay, stop gloating" Desmond said as you fell backwards off Shay

"That was quite entertaining" Shay said with a smirk looking down at you, drops of water dripping down his pretty face.

Desmond's hands pulled you out of range of Shay.

You rolled eyes "Desmond I'm a big girl"

"A girl" Edward pointed out "and he's a man"

"A... Templar... Man" Desmond slowly stated, trying to come up with something insulting to say

How fun this night would be

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