Nerf wars

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You, Ezio, and Altair leaned on each other along with Connor and Arno sitting on the arms of the couch that Ezio and Connor pushed up to the window. You all watched the rain poor down so heavily you couldn't see the empty pastures you were surrounded by.

"I'm so bored" Arno groaned

"I know" Altair added

You knew exactly what to play "we could have a war?" You said and stood up and climbed over the couch

"What do you mean?" Ezio said and they all turned around and looked at you

"I have a big box upstairs in my room with guns that have rubber bullets that we can shoot at each other" you explained

"Sounds fun" Arno said

"I'm playing" Altair said

"Me too" Ezio and Connor said in sync

They followed close behind upstairs and watched you pull out the box.
After counting your guns you had a few rifles along with a couple machine guns a several pistols

"Arno you get a machine gun" you say and toss it to him with a clip full of nerf bullets

"Awesome" he said and looked at the gun

"Ezio, rifle and pistol" you said

"I get two I'm special" he said and tucked the pistol in his sash


"I want a machine gun" he said and picked one up

"Works for me that leaves Connor a rifle and I with a set of pistols" you said and handed the rifle to Connor

"Now we need to make two teams " you said

"All I know is you're on my team" Arno said and stood next to you

"Same" Altair took the other side

"That leaves us outnumbered" Connor said

"Not anymore" Edward walked in

"You can take the last pistols there's three" you say to him

He took his real pistols out and replaced them with the nerf guns

"Wow how typical of you, start counting to ten then come down" you say before dragging your team out of the room and downstairs


"Okay when they come down shoot them" you whispered as you all hid

Arno hid behind a column in the living room and I hid behind the couch next to Altair

We could head footsteps then silence.

Arno peeked out and the nerf bullets started flying


I rose up and shot Ezio in the chest twice. Then ducked back down because you were getting lit up.

Connor ran out first and ended up tackling Arno. As soon as you ran out of bullets you saw Edward run towards you.

"Altair cover me!" You yelled and he tackled Edward which gave you the chance to run only to have Connor chase after you.

"You will soon have no room to run" Connor mocked practically jogging behind you

"You won't catch me Connor!" You yelled and a pillow smacked his face

"Thanks Arno " you said

You hid in a hallway to reload.

"What do we have here?"

You looked up at Ezio walking down the hall toward you, you began to walk in the other direction but you were trapped by Edward.

"Oh that's not fair" You said pointed your pistols at them

" you should admit defeat before we both get to you" Ezio said

"You aren't going to do anything" you called their bluff

Edward snatched you up and took off with you over his shoulder

He ended it with "Don't worry lass I won't let Ezio try somethin funny"

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