The guys x reader

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"Kenway are you ready or what? lets get this over with" you hear Arno downstairs

you walk down to see what the fuss is about

"where are you going?" you asked

"Edward thinks he needs new clothes" Ezio said 

"I don't think mate I know now c'mon let's go" Edward rushed

They began to rush out the door


The three of them stopped and turned "what?"

you questioned "aren't you forgetting something?"

"of course not" Edward walked over "can we have money?"

"wow" you hear from Desmond who was scrolling through Netflix

you roll your eyes and walk upstairs and pull some money from your purse.

"here" you say dropping it in his hand

"thanks love" Edward stated, kissed your cheek and ran out the door

you face palmed "sometimes I wonder how I still have my sanity"

"which reminds me" Desmond "i have questions"

"well ask away i guess" you said and said in the lazy boy

"so who showed up first and how?" he asked staring at the tv 

"well Ezio and Altair showed up at the same time and as for how?" you began 

"one night there had been a bad thunderstorm I mean thunder that shook the house, and while I was looking outside I sat a bright flash that I had assumed was lighting that struck near the house. Then a few minutes later I heard someone beating on my door. I peeked through the 'peep hole' and couldn't believe I saw the two of them standing in front of my door soaked and shivering" 

"If you had been out there you would be shivering too" Altair said walking in with fresh wet hair and pushed you over sitting in the lazy boy with you

"I let you in did I not?" you asked Altair

"yes you did" he said and wrapped his arms around your waist in a hug "and we are more than thankful for your kindness"

"yeah I know" you said scuffed his short hair

"(name) I just combed it!" he said and flattened his hair with his hands

Desmond laughed "so I'm guessing you two are a thing?"

"no" the two of you said in sync 

"that's gross" you said

"oh thanks that's really appreciated I'll remember that" Altair snapped right back 

"don't be that way you know your one of my favorites" you said and kissed his cheek

Jacob walks in wearing only shorts.

"I think swimming sounds like a rather fine idea" Jacob stated

"There's sunblock behind the mirror in the upstairs bathroom" you suggested and he gave you a funny look

"Wow " Desmond tilted his head back on the couch

You got with a smile toward Jacob "I'll go get it"

You came downstairs with the bottle and handed it to Jacob

"You know you're going to have to apply it right?" Altair said

"Would you be so kind?" Jacob asked with his bottom lip stuck out

You handed him the bottle "I might as well go swimming too there's nothing else to do"

"You don't wanna Netflix and chill?" Desmond asked with a smirk

"it really shows that Ezio is your ancestor" you said

"Apparently I'm the only normal one of the family" Altair stated

"Are you kidding? You're just as bad as us if not worse" Desmond cut in

"Shut up, shut up now!" Altair snapped

Living With Assassins *One Shots*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang