guys x reader

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Later that day...

The guys (Desmond and Edward) thought it would be a good idea to wrestle.

So here you're all here, outside in the grass within a good distance of the pool in a sand pit, watching Edward wrestling Ezio.

Ezio had been struggling to lock in a Guiattuine on Edward, who was fighting to push his feet under him.

"Go Ezio!" (Bf/n) cheered

"Get up Kenway!" Desmond yelled

"Ezio is gonna lose it, old man's getting tired" Haytham said

You scoffed "Ezio isn't old and he's a way better fighter then Edward"

"Nope" Haytham shook his head with a childish grin

You scowled at Haytham then looked back at the two still at it on the ground. Edward had got Ezio back up and the two were standing as the fought to take the fight back to the ground.

"Ezio you better freakin' win or you'll never sleep in my bed or even kiss me again!" You yelled dramatically

Ezio made a quick move and picked Edward up and slammed him down hard in the sand.

"Yeah!" The others cheered

Ezio panted, covered in a light sweat as he walked up to you, snaked one arm around your waist and the other on the back of your neck as he pressed his lips to yours briefly before stepping away to boast over his victory

You stood a little surprised but quickly wiped your mouth as if disgusted.

He gave you a wink before saying "I'll be seeing you later tonight" then he walked over to Altair.

"So they.. Share you?" Haytham asked

"There's not any kind of sexual activity going on, honest" you made the plain statement

"But you just let Ezio kiss you..."  He stated and rubbed the back of his head before trailing off into another statement

He stated and raised his hands "I just want to know who I'm up against"

"Me" Edward replied

"Me too" Altair and Ezio said in sync

"And Arno" Desmond added

You smiled and looked at the ground for a moment before returning your gaze to Haytham.

"Seems my work will definitely be cut out for me" he replied and wrapped his arm around you

"Yep" you replied with a smile and he flashed one down at you in return, his emerald eyes sparkling under the sun

Altair cleared his throat "anyone else wanna wrestle?"

"I think Edward should wrestle Haytham" Desmond suggested

Edward looked over at Haytham "well?"

"If you think you can go another round I'm down for a match" Haytham said

"I won't play nice" Edward warned

"I'm not scared of you pops" Haytham said and pulled his shirt off.

You couldn't pull your eyes away as you stared.

His tanned muscles bulged underneath his skin, followed by those extremely outlined abs. They must have been the best set of abs you'd ever seen.

"Enjoying the view?" Haytham asked

You looked up to his eyes and bit your lip "maybe"

He chuckled and held his shirt out to you "if you want me, all you have to do is say please" he said with a wink

You pulled your burning face away and grabbed the shirt

"Thanks doll" he said and ran a hand through his hair before walking out to Edward

You hadn't noticed Ezio beside you as he lifted your chin to close your mouth.

"Don't want you to start drooling bella" he said and chuckled

Edward had tripped Haytham and slammed him to the ground before attempting to put him in an arm bar.

"Seems like your little boyfriend can't defend himself" Altair stated as we walked around to the other side of you

"He's not my boyfriend" you snapped and watched as Haytham flipped on top of Edward "and I think he's handling himself pretty well"

"Pfft" Altair scoffed down at you "yeah, we'll see about that"

"Get your ass up Kenway!" Desmond yelled

Edward and Haytham struggled in their fight for dominance, Edward  managed to wrap his legs around Haytham's back from behind and slipped him into a head lock.

"Don't you tap out Haytham!" You cheered

"Oh he will be, and you'll be kissin me next love" Edward said as he squeezed tighter

You could see Haytham's muscles tense up as he forced his feet under near him then fell backwards, slamming Edward to the ground.
You were getting tired of watching and was ready for someone to win.

Edward had managed to get on top of Haytham.

You jumped onto Edward's back "rawr!"

"What are you doing?" Edward asked all nonchalant as he continued to struggle holding Haytham down

"This" you said and bit into his shoulder

Edward let out an anomalistic growl as he eyed you. Altair wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you from the fight.

"Do you want him to take advantage of you?" Altair asked

Haytham had managed to stand and was locked in arms with Edward.

The pirate looked over at you and smiled before winking. You saw that Haytham noticed and he quickly slammed Edward to the ground.

"Why always with the slamming " Edward said as he coughed, trying to catch his breath

"I think it's time for drinks" Desmond said as he helped Edward to his feet

Edward agreed

"Aye, that's a swell idea Desmond"

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