Jacob, Altair, Ezio x reader

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A few hours into the night and you woke up with absolutely no covers on. You looked over at Jacob who was imitating a burrito. You dropped your head back on the pillow but you were cold and that snoring... Was rather ridiculous.

You got up and quietly walked downstairs and found a light blanket which was covering Arno who was sleeping on the couch.... Great

You peeked Into one of the guys rooms seeing Ezio in his bed relaxed and asleep and plenty of room to add yourself. You tiptoed over and gently lifted the covers and slipped in. It was so comfy and you started to relax.

Ezio stirred and you stiffened, he rolled over and threw his arm over you. You started to relax again then Ezio pulled you closer slipping his other arm under you.

"Have a nightmare?" Ezio mocked in his sleepy tone

"I can't believe I chose the snoring blanket hog" you whispered and he chuckled

"That's what you get for not picking me" he slurred

"Yeah yeah" you said

"It's okay, you ended up in my bed. So I count this as a win" he stated and kissed your shoulder that had a single spaghetti strap over it "see you in the morning"

"Of course you will we live together" you said as you relaxed and fell asleep


"So what made you sleep with Ezio last night" Altair asked as he sat in the kitchen watching you make pancakes

"I didn't want to sleep next to that snoring nightmare" you said and he chuckled

"Yeah he snores pretty loud" he agreed

Your best friend stumbled in with messy hair and half asleep.

"Good morning beautiful" you said and she put her arms around your waist

"What'cha makin?" She asked

"You know damn well what I'm making"

She smelled the air "mmmm pancakes"

You gave her two on a plate and she poured syrup over them and pranced into the living room. Then Jacob walked in.

"Where'd you go last night?" Jacob asked

"Ugh your snoring was awful and you rolled yourself up in the blankets" you complained

"Well, I was volunteered remember?" He said with a smirk

Ezio walked in and wrapped his arms around you

"Good morning mi amour " Ezio said hugging you

"Ezio I'm trying to cook!" You groaned

"And stop hitting on her we have been over this" Altair said still sitting at the counter

Ezio ignored us and hugged you one more time before letting go

"Guess where she slept last night?" Ezio asked Jacob

"Where?" Jacob asked intently

"Wow" Altair said face palming

"Get out of the kitchen" you said to both of them

"But I want orange juice.." Jacob said pouting his lip at you

"I will bring you some now both of you go somewhere " you said.

"What about Altair?" Ezio asked

"Ezio" Altair said and Ezio looked over at him

"I'm the favorite" Altair said with a smile

"Altair honey?" You said and turned around to face him


You blew him a kiss "You can leave too"

Living With Assassins *One Shots*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora