Leave it to Ezio

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A few weeks later

Everyone had gotten used to Shay being in the house. You didn't mind it either. Shay even had your mom's old room, which was down the hall from yours.

Ezio and Desmond had been observing the Apple of Eden more often, and today out of all days they just had to mess with it.

"Desmond what did you do?" Ezio scolded him as the Apple glowed bright

"Its making my head hurt" Desmond said as he started to stumble

Ezio snatched the Apple from his hand.

"Put it down, both of you!" You yelled at them as Edward grabbed your hand and pulled you back

"Whats happening?" (Bf/n) asked

Suddenly the Apple glowed too bright for vision. Then it suddenly faded.

"Is everyone okay?" Desmond asked

"Where am I?"

Everyone looked to where Ezio was supposed to be.

"Holy shit" Desmond spoke for you

It was Ezio, but he was younger. So so much younger.

"Ezio?" You spoke and he looked at you

"How do you know my name? Who are you people?" He questioned

"He doesn't remember anything?" Connor asked as well

"That's a lot of questions" Shay said as he stood next to you and Edward

"The apple must have switched out our forty year old Ezio for.. Im guessing you're what, twenty?" Desmond spoke as held the Apple carefully

"That is correct" Ezio answered "now can I get some answers?"

You were about to speak when Desmond stopped you "I hope you're ready for a mouth full"

"I'm sure I can handle it" Ezio replied with a smirk

"The forty year old version of you has been here for a little over a year. The apple has been acting strange recently and the older you happened to have it when it started acting up again"

Ezio pursed his lips, processing the information

"And where is here?" He asked

"Americas, the year is twenty seventeen" you answered for Desmond and Ezio's eyes got wide

"I'm in the future... So who are you?" He asked us and some of the guys laughed

"We're all assassins " Edward spoke

"Well, except for the girls" Desmond corrected then pointed at Shay "and that Templar over there"

You groaned "Desmond"

"Hey, I'm just identifying the enemy" Desmond defended

"No" you stated "Shay is not an enemy you, and I want you to stop being rude to him"

"But hes-"

"Don't care!" You threw your hands up "Has he hurt anyone?"

Desmond answered "no"

You looked at Edward "is he rude?"

"I consider stealing girlfriends to be rude" Edward answered and you groaned

"You freakin' pirate I'm not your girlfriend" you poked him in the ribs an he glared at you

Ezio had been laughing which stopped everyone from arguing.

"So are you gonna show him around or will I?" Desmond asked

You scowled at Desmond playfully "I shall"

You signaled for Ezio "come on little one"

"I hardly believe I'm piccolo"

You smiled at him as you walked towards his room "we've been dealing with the Ezio who's twice your age. So yes, you are little"

He looked you up and down as you stood in the doorway "this is your room, the one across is Edward's"

Your phone went off in your pocket.

"Oh wonderful" you said as Edward and Desmond peeked Into the hallway
"Is it Haytham?" They asked

"It might be" you said as you all returned to the living room

The door bell rang loud

Desmond groaned "oh great, he's here"

You rolled your eyes as you went to open the door, Haytham smiling at you on the porch

"Ya know I live right down the road?" Haytham spoke as he came inside

"We did not know that" Desmond spoke over you

"Hey son, come to bother us again?" Edward teased

"I can't stay away from good ol' dad now can I?" Haytham shook Edward's hand who smirked with amusement

"I see a few things have changed. Where's Altair?" Haytham asked

"Altair?" Ezio asked

Haytham looked at Ezio "what happened to him?"

"The Apple has been having some problems lately" Desmond answered

"We haven't had problems until Altair left" you stated

Desmond thought to himself before speaking "that would explain it, seeing as how Altair brought it here"

"So we have twenty year old Ezio, and Shay Cormac"

"Cormac?" Haytham questioned and saw the rogue sitting on the couch with Edward

"That is my name" Shay stated while walking out of the kitchen with an orange, making a failed attempt to eat it.

You rolled your eyes, taking the orange as He and Haytham looked over eachother

"You said Haytham and I was expecting-"

"The real Haytham? Yeah, not me. I expected you to be shorter than me" Haytham said as they shook hands as well

He and Haytham were nearly the same height at a smidge over six foot, along with Connor.

"Good for you, freakin giants" you said as you peeled the orange as you ate a slice

Shay held his hand back out for the orange which you handed back to him

"I don't feel like a giant" Haytham stated then looked down at you "you're just short"

You ignored Haytham's comment and looked at Shay as you held your hand put for another slice

His face went blank before a slight smirk appeared as he held a slice out to you with his fingertips. You opened your mouth and took the orange slice.

Edward grabbed your hand and pulled you away "no, none of that"


"Nope!" He talked over you "Ezio doesn't remember you. Desmond hasn't even tried anything, my only challenger is Shay. "

You rolled your eyes "you're being dumb"

"He does have a point" Desmond added

You groaned dramatically

"How about I show you around the house?" You asked Haytham as you grabbed his hand before escaping this room of boys

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