Altair, Ezio, Desmond, Edward, connor x reader

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Altair had brought drinks out to the pool where the two of you had consumed the bottles he brought. The others came out to check on you.

Altair was floating in the pool while you were dancing around outside with a bottle in the air. You were spinning in circles she you were getting closer to the edge of the pool.

"(Name) watch where you-"

Altair's words were interrupted when you nearly fell but you were caught by Desmond.

"Oh am I so glad you're here" you said in relief as you threw your arms around Desmond he placed his hands on your waist in return

"So who's watching her this time?" Edward asked

"Wow you're pretty drunk aren't you?" Desmond asked with a light chuckle

"I'm always opening to having her without any of you around" Ezio stated with a smirk

"No, I still know who I am" you replied to Desmond and he laughed

Altair scrambled from the pool and pulled you away from Desmond "she's with me tonight "

"Altair you're cold!" You squealed in his arms

"Well what if she doesn't want you?" Edward and Ezio asked

"(Name) explain to them the sleeping arrangements" Altair states

"But what if changed my mind?" I asked and Edward chuckled

"Did you change your mind?" Altair slurred

You laughed a bit "no"

"Well then let's go" Altair stated and you agreed

"Woah woah what do you think you're doing?" Desmond grabbed your hand and pulled you from Altair

"Yeah mate I don't think with both of you being drunk in a room alone together is a good idea" Edward stated

Altair let out a sigh and gave everyone the finger before retreating inside. 

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