Altair, Desmond, Edward, Arno, Jacob x Reader

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"Wow" You exclaimed seeing your best friend in Edward's lap as she continued her make-out session unaffected by you.

"What's wrong with you?" Desmond said walking up beside you with a beer in his hand and you pointed

"Are you jealous?" He asked quietly


"Then whats the deal?" He asked

"Hey if I get interrupted then so do they" you said "plain and simple"

"(Name)" you hear Arno calling from upstairs

"There's your time not be interrupted" Desmond suggested

You walked upstairs.

"What do you want?" You asked Arno leaning into his and Jacob's bedroom

"Come sit" Jacob said patting the space in between them on the bed

"I don't know about that" you said looking at the two

"Why? " Jacob asked

"Yeah I mean we aren't perverts" Arno said "at least not like Edward and Ezio"


You shrugged in agreement and sat in between the two

"What are you two doing?" Asked

"Black ops 2" Arno said

"Domination" Jacob added

"You guys get along pretty well" you said

"Yeah" Arno agreed

"so why sit up here when the party is downstairs?"

The both looked at you

"There's a party?" They asked

"Yeah... Downstairs"

Jacob quickly stood and walked downstairs

"Look at you getting us alone" Arno said as he turned off the PlayStation

He pulled you to your feet and wrapped his arm around your waist

"Wanna have a few drinks?" He asked

"I don't know if that's a good idea" you said "after the last few times anyway"

"Come on it will be just the two of us and we can walk out to the pool and drink there" he begged with a pouty face

You smiled and couldn't resist saying yes. So the two of you walked downstairs, grabbed a bottle of unknown alcohol in the fridge and made your way to the pool.

"Not so bad right?" Arno asked as he gave you the half empty bottle

"No, this is pretty nice actually" you agreed

He wrapped his arm tighter around you and kissed your forehead. You set the bottle down then got up and took his hands.

"What is it?" He asked standing to his feet

"Come swimming with me" you said as you pulled him to the edge of the pool

"Oh no, I'm not going to end up like Jacob and Edward"

"And Altair. " you said as you reached the edge and dropped down to the first step and Arno picked you up and threw you into the pool

"Arno!" You yelled immediately feeling sober

He just stood there with a grin, you scowled as you got out and hugged him.

"Cold cold thats, very cold" he said as he relaxed

"That's what you get" you said

"Looks like you need some dry clothes" he said taking his shirt off and handing it to you with a smirk

You refused and pushed back into the chair and sat in his lap

"No, your going to help me stay warm instead, and let my clothes dry" you said and layed on his chest

"I'm okay with that "

Living With Assassins *One Shots*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat