You're not supposed to touch it

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The apple had been having more issues more often.

It would flicker and glow randomly and flashed. None of us knew what was happening to it. But it wasn't good whatever it was.

Ezio was still his younger self and as perverted as ever.

Shay was still here. Although still as cautious and paranoid.

You had been buying groceries with (bf/n) and Connor all day, but you'd been slowly regretting it as we pulled into the driveway.

There was a night gold light shining through the windows of the house.

You pushed the front door open watching Edward and Desmond fight over the Apple, a loud ringing and light emit from it.

"let go!" Desmond yelled at edward

"you've done enough! You let go!" Edward yelled back

"what is going on!" You yelled at them

"it started flickering and these two started arguing over it" Shay answered

Desmond punched Edward and Edward elbowed him and dropped the apple and started fighting.

The apple rolled towards you.

Everyone else seemed to fade out as you reached down to pick up the apple.

It practically glued itself to your hand and an instead ringing and ache filled your mind.


Muffled yells were heard in your ears but all you could do was look into the sphere.

All you could think of is how Altair left the apple here. Why?

It flashed bright one more time before someone slapped it out of your hands.

Everything was black as fell to your knees.

Someone's hands lifted your face up.

"(name)! Can you hear me?"

"her eyes..."

"shut up shay"

Desmond face was slowly clearing to your eyes.

"i can't see" you mumbled

"it's okay it's only temporary" Desmond told you as he pulled you to your feet

You looked around everyone including your best friend who burst through the door crying

"what did you do with connor?!"

Desmond questioned "what?"

"he was there and then he glowed and then he disappeared completely..."

"this is why no one is supposed to touch it" Edward had started complaining

"my head.." You held a hand up to your head in efforts of soothing the ringing ache

"she doesn't look okay" Ezio pointed you out as Desmond felt your head

"you're running a fever.." Desmond muttered to himself

"ill get medicine!" Your bestie disappeared while Desmond took you by the shoulders

"let's get you to your room, Edward put the apple away"

--hours later--

You'd woken up to your room being pitch black, you stood feeling a bit dizzy.

You managed to make it to the living room finding it empty.


"Desmond said you wouldn't be up for a while"

You spun around to Shay Cormac, with no coat nor shoes, enjoying chips.

You smirked a little "chips"

He looked down at the bag "interesting snack, something wrong?"

"no, i just.. You being here is still quite strange- even the others being here is strange"

You turned back to look at him, an intense ringing filled you ears. You tried to ignore it, getting dizzy.

"you alright there?"

Almost instantly it all went away, you looked around you.

"I'm fine" you turned back to Shay

There was the sound of a heart beat in your ears.

"do you hear that?"

"hear what?"

You listen for a moment longer, following it.

The apple, it's faint glow peeling through the cracks of the box it was held in.

"Lass I don't think that's wise"

You ignored him and marched into Desmond's room, opening the box.

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