Altair, Edward, Ezio, Arno, Desmond, Connor x reader

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"You have to share Altair!" You said trying to squeeze into the lazyboy

"No I don't want to there isn't enough room!" He said and pushed you out of it

"You always share!" You said

"Which why I refuse to share" he said and crossed his arms and you glared and opened your mouth to speak when there was a knock at the door

"Ugh mom go away" you groaned and opened the door

"Hey Connor"  Ezio, Altair, Arno and Desmond said in sync

"Now I have to share my room" you said letting him inside

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience" Connor said

"No, no you're completely fine" you said hearing your bestie tromping downstairs

"(Name) I'm going to the store do you- CONNOR!" A huge smiled crossed her face as Connor stumbled backwards as he caught her.

"Looks like you were only second favorite Edward" Altair said as Edward walked downstairs

"That's okay mate because I'm still someone else's true favorite" Edward said wrapping his arms around your waist

"Ew ew ew" you said pushing him away and plopped down and forced yourself in between Desmond and Ezio

"Obviously not" Desmond retorted

"(Bf/n) what were you saying about going to the store?" You asked and looked behind the couch

"Where did they go?" Arno asked

"Probably left I'm sure" Altair said

"So, since you have to decide who to share your room with you have to start over right?" Ezio asked

"Yes because I now want a turn" Edward said

"No" Altair and Arno said at the same time

"Why not?" Edward asked

"Because you a pervert Edward" Ezio said

"So are you" Edward said

"But I'm good at it" Ezio said wrapping his arms around you

Altair got up and held his hand our to you

"Would you like me to save you?" He asked

You grinned and took his hand and he pulled you up from the guys

"That's not fair" Ezio and Desmond said at the same time

"Don't you think you're overwhelming her innocent mind?" Altair asked as he patted your head

"Oh shut up" Ezio and Edward said in sync

"Want to go somewhere?" Altair asked giving you a wink

"No way mate I'm taking her somewhere" Edward said holding up a bottle of alcohol and held his other hand out to you "come on princess you know I can show you a good time"

Ezio go up, walked around and put his arm over Edward and they both flashed smile at you

"She's not going to fall for your little nickname crap" Altair said

"Yeah I am" you said and took Edwards hand and he pulled you in between him and Ezio they each put an arm around you

"See? She loves us more" Ezio said

"Can't resist the blue eyes" Edward said

"Okay..." Ezio took hold of you and pulled you away from Edward "it's me she really wants"

"I doubt that" Edward replied

"Oh God gimme that bottle since neither of you started" you said and took the bottle and pushed Edward

And Desmond added "Hey count me in on that"

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