FouRtY SiX

180 17 210

"I set fire to the rain
And I threw us into the flames
Where I felt something die, 'cause I knew that
That was the last time, the last time..."
Beautiful song

Zayn's POV

A home degrades to a collection of four walls without the lives residing inside. In all those years I've never felt so lonely here, not half as much I feel now with Ara's presence. The life of this infinite silence is of mere minutes now, they can walk in anytime.

Readjusting the bow tie, my eyes travel over the figure reflected in the mirror, all ready for the Christmas celebration that would take place shortly. Hopes held high, I walk to the other side, towards Ara's room to ensure that she has dressed up, the beats of my heart getting louder as the thought of her wearing the dress I bought crosses my mind.

She signals for me to enter after I knock, twisting the door knob I take a step inside, my eyes immediately find her sitting by the window. Her hair appearing golden under the moonlight, sparkling diamonds in her ears are put to shame by the glowing complexion, her skin has gained some colour since the following days.

Unknowingly I'm drawn to her, my feet taking me nearer and I am soon next to her leaning frame. The brown eyes never meet my desperate ones, gaze remains stoned on the snow that is falling down on the earth and disappearing.

My fingers touch hers, I place my hand beneath her own and hold it out, a snowflake settles on her palm, successfully gaining her attention as she now burns her gaze on our hands.

"Merry Christmas baby." I whisper while pulling her in a hug, she responds with a hum and pulls back instantly.

"You aren't wearing the dress I brought?" I observe as the uncontrollable hurt gushes through my words. She looks away and my gaze follows hers to the floor on which lies the remains wine coloured dress, ripped to the shreds just like my heart.

"It's alright, the dress wasn't good anyways." I speak pushing away the heart that's bleeding. It doesn't matter if I had spent more than three hours to sit with the designer and come up with this exclusive gown.

"I liked this dress better," Ara says noticing my jolly mood vanished into thin air.
"Harry had brought it for me when we were in Venice."

The sound of doorbell make us both look that way, I jog to receive the guests who could possibly give her happiness she deserves, who won't be unwanted like me. A smile of your loved one works wonders, it makes you forget about the arrows piercing though your heart and bring a real smile on your own face.

"Zayn!" Melody squeals looking up at me, her Santa clause hat falling to the ground as she hugs my legs.

"Melody!" I say imitating her and picking up in my arms, kissing her face as her soft giggles echo in the atmosphere. Life walks back in the house with the Holmes family, after greeting Catherine and Phil I call Ara downstairs, she would be so happy to see them.

The surprise is evident on Ara's face as she blinks multiple times to while inspecting the scene, she is quick to run and envelope her parents in a hug. In my arms Mel struggles to gain her attention, Ara attends her sister with equal grace and joy. The lights seem brighter, the atmosphere merrier and problems have dissolved in the reconciliation.

The dinner goes well, all of them having fun as a family, they did what I couldn't- made Ara talk again, though not as much as she used to but she looks more free and happy in the company of her people. I quietly slip from the party, content and smiling to see love blooming again, there's no great pleasure than to see Catherine, Melody and Ara happy.

"Merry Christmas to me." I chuckle taking a seat on the stairs, accepting the warmth given by the flame of my lighter, making the smoke my companion. Numerous clouds escape my lips as the length of cigarette shortens, it feels good to be at peace for once.

A tap on my shoulder makes me turn around, Phil's towering frame smiles down at me, I scoot over to give him some space as he sits besides.

"Why are you here Zayn? I thought the party was inside." He jokes.

"And I thought you didn't need me in there, you daughter is sick of me." He sighs helplessly, slightly clenching my shoulder as a gesture of grief.

"Of course we need you Zayn, Catherine loves you as much she loves Melody and Arabella." He makes me rise on my feet and urges for me to follow him inside.

Ara and Cathy are standing glaring at me as I stumble inside. Ara comes forward, mild anger reigning her stunningly beautiful features.

"What in the world were you thinking Zayn Malik while leaving us alone?" She questions holding my collar in her hand, narrowed eyes glaring under the cocked eyebrows.

"Just went out for a..." I trail off remembering Mel is here with us.
"I went out for some air."

She looks at me, completely unconvinced yet leaves the collar and smoothens the creases on my suit. Confidently, she holds my hand and leads me to the dining table. She shoves a knife in my hand, takes it and we cut the cake together, my eyes wide and bewildered as she feeds me the cake with her very own hand.

I guess she senses the shock and nudges my side, breaking the trance I was in. We are soon joined by the three, Melody singing songs to our amusement.

At around the midnight we wound up our sweet party, me and Ara engage ourselves in cleaning up the house. The smile has found an abode on my face, I know it won't fade away anytime soon.

The silence between us is filled with Ara humming a song, she's a free spirit today, untouched by the hurt and lifelessness. At the end of the day, everyone and everything is fine, my sweetheart is happy.

"Zayn! You are just standing there since ages!" She scolds while collecting the dishes and putting them in the washer.

"Sorry mam." I give her the best grin and she smiles. That smile could end wars and bring the dead to life.

"Zayn, your phone is buzzing here." She tells holding up the object.

"Pick it up then, tell them I'm busy." I shrug, gathering the mess from the floor. The sound of something dropping make me turn, a frown comes up my face as I see Ara breathing heavily, blood drained from her face.

I am next to her in a second, asking her what happened all of a sudden when a stray tear escapes her eye. My gaze falls on my phone on the kitchen counter, Liam's name flashing on it. Holding Ara, I press the phone to my ear.

"Hello Zayn? Are you still there?"

"Yes Liam, what is it?" I ask while Ara snuggles into my chest, fisting my shirt.

"I said the boy Harry Styles, he's dead."

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