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Babes, I just want you to answer two questions in full honesty.
1) Do you think, by any chance, my writing has improved?
2) In your opinion, has Arabella changed through the 29 parts?
That's all! ♥

Zayn's POV

"Ara just listen to me! Damn it!" The phone flies out of my hand and crashes into the wall. Then I realise that I am no better that the dismantled iPhone lying on the floor with irreparable damage stitched on it's fate.

To hear her voice after what felt like millenniums, my heart did somersaults in delight until she decided to shut me out completely. I want to- no I need to hold her, surrender to her my mind, body and heart. I need to tell her everything, give all sorts of explanation that she deserves.

There is too much going on at the same time. Actually, I am glad to have broken the phone, at least Ellie won't irritate me by calling a thousand times. I don't want to lash out on her as she's a woman, but the redhead won't understand the meaning of a one night thing. My biggest mistake.

"Sir, please maintain peace or I'll have to call the security." The old, receptionist says scratching her semi bald head while her eyes roam over my body. What the fuck?
"And I'm afraid you'll have to pay for the damage you've caused to our wall and pick up that broken phone."

"I'll pay for the loss." I roll my eyes at the glaring lady and collect the debris spread out on the white floor. The colour that once reminded me of purity and hope, now makes me sick in the stomach.

Walking through the dull alley, I remove my undamaged sim card and dump the dead gadget into a random dustbin. This place has become too familiar, I have stayed here for over ten days.

"Mr. Malik wants to see you, Zayn." I look forward to see Dr. Mike coming out of his room.

"How is he doing?" I ask him in hopes to hear positive.
"Don't sugarcoat the condition please."

"Okay," He sighs patting my shoulder.
"He is in a critical condition. We are trying our best but his body isn't responding as desired. I have made the medication stronger, let's see." He says before flashing a sympathetic smile and takes leave.

After a few deep breaths of bitter medicine and disinfectant I twist the knob and quietly enter the room. Mr. Malik lies in bed, numerous machines emitting the sounds of his lifeline. I approach him taking slow and steady steps, instantly feeling all the air in my lungs knocked out with his presence.

"Zayn?" He mumbles weakly, his loud, stern voice long lost.

"I am here." I say taking a seat besides him on the small portion of his bed.

"Are you okay? You seem.... tired." I feel his eyes inspects my face but don't look directly at him. The boastful dark circles growing around my eyes would make a panda feel ashamed. Wounds on my face faded a long time ago, thankfully.

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