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Thank you so much for 200+ reads and 55+ votes :) Thanks for all your support. My love <3<3

Harry was here till 8pm. Yup, surprisingly I could tolerate him for that long. Actually he isn't much of a bad guy just... a weird one I guess. We watched Friends and he indirectly suggested that he wanted to see the house. I just acted dumb and pretended that I never took the hints.

When mum and Anne arrived, it looked as if the ladies had shopped the whole damn place. They came right to our house, not knowing the Harry left long ago. Anne struggled holding up 5 bags so I casually offered to help her to which she agreed only if me and mum would go to their place for dinner. I hesitated at first, not knowing how to decline those pleading eyes, but then I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea. It'll save mum some trouble.

I went straight to my room after Anne left. Going through my choices, I decided to wear my blue jeans and a nice comfy top. It is just a friendly dinner after all. While changing, a nice fragrance caught my senses. I looked around to find a blood red rose besides my pillow. The flower stood out on that white mattress beautifully. Lying besides it was a note which read:

This rose reminded me of how you blush time and again in my presence. Bought it to show you how beautiful you look when your cheeks redden for me.
P.s. Sorry for sneaking in your room like this. Love-  H<3

I don't get how he managed to enter into MY room without me noticing. He is a cunning man or I am way too dumb. I guess the later one is right.


"Mel, don't be a trouble ok? Behave yourself and don't pull Sophia's hair...." Mum went on instructing Melody. She wanted to spend her time with her best friend Sophia and mum thought it would be a wise thing to do since we are going to Harry's.

Melody is like the silence before a storm. She won't talk much - I am not even sure about that one because of Harry - but her curiosity about someone else's house always has me and mum apologising our embarrassed hosts. The case is different when she's with Sophia, who's a very sweet, sensitive girl. Sensitive 'cause she once cried when I gave her a green spoon instead of pink while eating noodles. Mel tends to calm down when her best friend is around.

I remember the sudden appearance of her detective skills when we were at aunt Amy's house. We were so caught up in our conversation that she slipped out of our sight and came back grinning widely, holding aunt's black bra and a.. uh.. a dildo.

"What type of glasses do you have auntie, they're so big, I can't see through them." She cries.

"And see this huge gummy worm mommy - aaahhh it's shivering! I want one too!!" I choked on my spit and aunt looked like she was ready to throw up. We left after that incident and she never bothered to call us ever after.

"That was it, no embarrassing ourselves in front of the Styles" mum says after we drop Melody. We walk towards their house.

"Yeah, well how was your shopping trip? You didn't tell me about it with much enthusiasm." I furrowed my eyebrows. Me and mum shared everything with each other as we didn't have friends around here.

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