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"Please..." I plead for the last time. His lips move hungrily on my neck. At his actions, something within snaps and I feel a wave of anger wash over me.

I scream and knee him where the sun doesn't shine. He steps back and I slap him continually before punching him square in face with all my might. I run for the door before he could recover. Shivering, I quickly go inside the lodge and take a breathe of relief.

The adrenaline dies down and suddenly I feel like crying. It felt so bad, I feel so dirty. His assaults would serve as nightmares for days to come, I'm still feeling his sickening touch. The fear resumes and anger fades away like smoke.

"Hey sorry I took this long. I was just taking a pee." As soon as I hear the voice, my first instinct is to hug him.

"Whoa! Missed me Bella?" He laughs patting my head but stops when he hears my silence.

"Bella are you okay?" I grip his shirt tightly nodding vigorously.

"Bella look at me!" He shakes me to break the trance and my eyes meet his. His eyebrows knit and jaw clenches when I tell him about the unfortunate incident.

"The same boutique?" He seethes through his teeth and I nod.

"Come." He says and drags me out of the lodge. My eyes widen when we enter that very shop. The guy is sitting on his chair whining, his face is red and I see a bruise forming along his jaw. Harry lets go of my hand.

"Hit this bastard again. With more intensity this time." He grits his teeth in anger. The guy looks at me like I am a ghost.

"Dude I didn't know she was your girl." He states frantically.

"Beat the crap out of him Bella! You are stronger than you think. Remember what he did to you!" Harry growls and balls up his fists. The sight alone is immensely dangerous yet alluring at the same time.

"Turn your fear into fury again, teach this lowlife a lesson!" My breathe quickens and I march towards the blonde in burning rage.

"What did you think huh? 'The girl is weak what would she do if I molested her' yeah?" I punch his nose. It hurts me at first but I could care less.

"You thought you'll have your way and I'll let you play me?" I kick his stomach and he bends whimpering. I elbow his back and he screams in agony as I watch him fall to the ground. The sound of my beatings and his growls fills the air.

He holds my foot and tries to pull me but I step on his hand with full power, crushing it under my shoe. He screams, begs even and somehow that provides a strange satisfaction.

"Don't you dare violate a woman's modesty ever again! Don't underestimate us!" I hiss and kick him for the last time. He's got a bleeding nose and a distorted face. I turn around to find Harry glaring at the guy.

"Let's go." I tug at his arm. When he doesn't budge I pull him with me. People are gathered outside the glass doors but none of them meet my eyes.

"It's enough for him Harry. You don't need to get the filth on your hands." I say looking at my bloody knuckles. My fists start swelling and throbbing with sweet pain. The physical pain that numbs the feeling of fear.

"I'm so sorry Bella." Harry says once we enter our room. "I shouldn't have left you there. You are my fucking responsibility! What if he had done something–"

"I'm fine Harry! I was just scared. I did hit him but the truth is that I felt like crying. It's easier said than done. The feeling isn't nice." I shudder at the thought of being raped.

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