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It's too hot it's too hot IT'S TOO HOT!! I open my eyes slowly. Its hard to breathe and I am drenched in sweat. I don't understand why there's weight on my back- Zayn! That boy is sleeping on me! My hand has gone numb as I am heavily pressed against the mattress. Thank god I sleep on my stomach or else it would've been his last day on the earth.

I try to move beneath him, not caring to wake him up. This isn't the first time he has eaten my sleep away. Earlier, he used to hog the blankets, even kick me out of the bed for the sake of his beauty sleep, but this is too much!

"ZAYN WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I scream. He shuffles a bit and rolls off. I sit up immediately, trying to breathe all the air in the room. I throw a dirty glare towards him. Its almost 3 in the morning. No no, Zayn you can't have a good day after ruining mine.


"Ara, I am taking Mel with me to the shop." Mum tells me as I enter the kitchen.

"You can skip the work today since Zayn's back."

"Thanks mum!" I give her a big hug and kiss on cheek.

"Did you sleep well?" Ya ya, too well (note the dripping sarcasm)

"Yup." I mumble sitting on the dining table.

"I have made you both breakfast so eat it, okay." I nod as she leaves.

"And yes! I'll be going shopping with Anne today so you'll have to babysit Melody." I yell a quick yes and am answered with the sound of main door closing.

Let's head for breakfast I thought to myself. Getting up from the chair I march towards kitchen. So mum left us with eggs and sausages to gorge on. Well that gives me a brilliant idea! Watch your step Malik. My face probably bears a devilish grin.

"Good Morning Arabear!" I am greeted with a happy Zayn.

"Good morning Zayn! Sleep well?"

"Yeah. What about you?" He asks sitting on the dining table in front of me.

"I slept well too." Lies.

"Start with your breakfast before I eat it" I tease.

"Whoa! Eggs, sausages and strawberry milkshake! I love you!" He is literally jumping on his seat like a little kid. Wait until you eat it Zaynie.

He starts to cut the eggs with his knife and fork. I'll just sit back and watch.

1 minute later...

"Urgh! Why is it stuck to the plate?!" Zayn cries in frustration. Because i glued it to your plate. Super glue works!

"I don't know, why don't you try the sausages, I'll make you another omelette." Hmm Ara acting all innocent ha.

"No it's fine I'll have the sausages and milkshake."

He lifts the sausage and takes it to his mouth. Yes.


Obviously your tongue would burn, I've rolled your sausages in red chilli powder. I burst out in laughter.


"Sorry, sorry." I point the milkshake. "Have it you'll feel better."

He eyes me suspiciously but takes the glass and drinks. His eyes are watery and face is so red.


"Oh my god Zayn!" I sprint towards him faking a worried expression.

Unfaithfully His [H.S. & Z.M.]Where stories live. Discover now