TweNtY NiNe

156 23 214

I am suing Zayn for using my writing style for his aLbuM tRacKliSt xD
So babes, I feel like an ass for not being able to read your books or reply to your comments, I am sorry :(
On a lighter note My Exams Fucking ENDED!! THE END!! FINISHED!!
I'm so going to spam you guys ha, I've missed reading your wonderful stories! But not before updating lol
Love from A


"Yes honey?"

"Have you eaten anything since you woke up?" He doesn't answer thus confirming my suspicions.

"Get your ass over here Styles!" And in a wink of time my boyfriend stumbles inside the kitchen, his curls bouncing on his bare shoulders and shorts covering the lower part of his v-lines.

"Are you trying to starve yourself so that you could be the next top model?" I joke pulling him in for a sweet kiss.

"Just trying to be in shape for my perfect girl." He bites on my earlobe teasingly and starts tickling. Laughing, I swat his hands away from my waist and guide him to the dining table. He groans but doesn't complain. I make him sit on one of the chairs and persuade him to eat what's placed in his plate.

"You have lost a lot of weight Harry." I observe.

"I know. Just the work load baby, nothing to worry about." He takes a bite of the sandwich I made for him a while ago. More than a week ago, Harry got a job as a gym trainer and has been working hard since.

"How is everyone in Washington?" He asks with a small smile playing on his lips.

"They are all doing well. Mel sounded happy last night, she's missing you though." I say in all honesty. Mum is still upset over me not being there but is trying to understand me and my choice. She had refused to talk to me initially, but nevertheless she's a mother and no mother can be mad at her child for too long.

Phil was the first one to contact me since their departure, I remember swearing a lot at him for taking my leftover family away from me.

After long, deep conversations held between us, I came to the conclusion that he isn't a bad person, after all along with Harry, Phil was there for me when he left me heartbroken and lost.

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