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I need a punch to realise this is real
Fortieth fookin chapter?
How did you guys even bear with me for so long? xD

Taking shallow steps I stealthily advance to the room that emanates chorus laughter of mum, Phil and Zayn, as I peek through the door without any of them noticing my presence a voice behind startles me. I turn around to see Melody resting her head on Harry's as he holds her from falling from his shoulders. Their beautiful routine.

"Where is your coffee Bella?" Harry asks after I take Mel from him. By the looks of it, Harry must be unaware of Zayn's arrival and our erroneous moment that left me stunned. Before I am able to apprise him about the presence of my friend, the man himself decides to joins out little rendezvous.

"Good morning Ara! And you too Harry." He greets with his signature grin spreading, stealing glances at me as I lower my gaze to avoid his. My peripherals allow me to watch Harry, eyebrows furrowed at this unanticipated guest who steals Mel from him and walks away in his leisurewear without sparing a minute for our response.

"When did he arrive?" Harry questions me in monotone as I contemplate on answering him properly, mentally preparing myself to lie about our odd encounter.

"Around seven in the morning maybe." I say avoiding those beautiful green eyes while picking at my nails, my head only up when I feel him walk past me into the kitchen where mum is making us all breakfast. Sighing, I shortly follow him with an intention to help mum, masking my own selfish motive to avoid Zayn and Harry for a while.

Blame is on Zayn to make things difficult for me, if he knew his limits and backed off having him wouldn't have proven to be a trouble. Melody kept Zayn and Harry entertained until the sun went down, mum was oddly pleased to see me volunteer at the daily chores that had my attention.

"Ara, could you please tuck Mel in?" Phil shouts from his room and I reply with a quick 'yes'. Washing my hands, I give one last look to the cooked lasagna before waltzing out, as I'm about to call for the tiny one my gaze falls on the adorable Melody curled up in Zayn's lap on the sofa, both sleeping peacefully. My feet take me closer to them, I shake Zayn a bit who wakes up instantly.

"Give her to me." I whisper and he nods in agreement, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the sleep on his lids and then cautiously lifts her up, I take her in my arms and walk away from him. I shouldn't forgive him just yet.

"Goodnight darling." I place her favourite soft toy besides her before leaving the room. As I walk out, someone pulls me by the wrist and the very next moment I'm pinned against the wall.

"Can't you just stop?" I ask Zayn rolling my eyes at him.
"You are acting like a pervert."

"I'm not touching you, am I?" He states with his hands on the either side of my head, visage displaying confidence, so much that I have to look away.

"You are being disrespectful Zayn. I'm taken." My voice comes out cowardly under his gaze that's heating my face up, I stare at the flying kiss tattooed on his chest that moves up and down in subtle movements as he breathes through the parted lips. The lips that kissed mine with passion, made me weak in knees.

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