FouRtY OnE

149 15 242

MET GALA was a nightmare. I wonder if Zayn could move properly in that costume, judging by his expressions he looked disinterested? tired maybe..?

"Angel's Abode, the handicapped children's home?" I read the bright blue letters embossed above the metallic gate.

"Yes that's right." Harry comments from my side, removing his seatbelt and me copying his movements.

We flew back to UK a day before, with a heavy heart and teary eyes, it wasn't as hard because we were on a positive note. I know there are more such meets to come, I know me and my family are just separated by the physical distance. Zayn didn't come back with us though.

"This is the sixth thing to do from my bucket list," He says, eyes on the building in front of us, a smile on his face.
"Participating in La Tomantina, vacation in Venice, watching the Northern lights first hand, visiting Andaman islands, reuniting you with your family and now, making these children happy."

My heart warms at his words, I lend a helping hand to Harry in extracting the gifts, toys, books and many such things that we purchased before arriving here.

"Out of all your wishes, this one is inarguably the best." I feel the need to let him know that I'm proud of his decision.
"Everyone spend their lives in finding more and more happiness, very few people are kind enough to share theirs."

"There are so many things we take for granted Bella, just because we've got them without a struggle. These children remind me to thank every minute of my life, I have parents, I have a home that I can call my own and I can do so many things that pose like a challenge to them." He sighs in defeat, a distant look in his emerald eyes.

"I wish we could be of more help to them, somehow take away their disabilities and-"

"No Bella," He interrupts holding up his forefinger.
"That's where you make a mistake. Don't let those little angels feel that they are not like you or me, instead encourage them to love themselves the way they are created."

I open my mouth to counter him but close it again, he is right.

"We should go inside now, they must be waiting for us." He nods in the direction and we enter the home to hundreds of children who were shunned by their families, who were shrugged off as a burden. The children who have much lesser than they deserve.

I am hit with the sudden warmly feeling as soon as we set our foot inside, the walls have a eye pleasing yellow colour, plain wooden furniture contrasting the white, non slippery floor. A middle aged man greets us and offers to escort us to their office where we would probably see the owner of Angel's Abode.

A nurse takes the bags from our hands as we come face to face with the lady who runs this place. She looks up from the file she was engrossed in and smiles before gesturing us to take the seat.

"I'm Harry Styles, I had called you yesterday in the evening."

"Oh yes Mr. Styles! I am May Collins, the administrator. First of all I'd like to thank you both for taking your time to visit my children. They are excited about your arrival, guests are too rare here." I smile apologetically at her and she reciprocates.

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