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Hey lovelies, thanks for reading my stuff <3

I blinked repeatedly, thinking that the human in front of me is just an illusion, a trick of my mind. But there he stands, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his expensive looking pants, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Untie the ropes." He orders the guy. My wrists are set free, thanks to Harry.

"You can leave now." He said looking at Carl, his tone dangerous. This is not what I expected. As soon as the guy left, I went towards Harry, happy tears in my eyes. We can escape this place easily if Harry is that man's son.

"Thank god you are fine! I've been worried sick about you." I said trying to find warmth in his icy glare. He watches me as I examine him for any wounds.

"Hey! Don't put your dirty hands on my clothes you filthy pig." I'm taken aback by his tone and harsh words.

"Harry, this is Arabella, your Bella," I rub my face to remove the dirt, if any. Did he not recognise me?

"Are you deaf or something?" He laughs.

"Two minutes ago I called you by your name and yet you think I've mistaken you for someone else?" My smile falters.

"Harry, please let's get out of here, these people are monsters!" I hug him despite his resistance. I need a hug so bad.

"Ew! Get away bitch, you are here for pleasing me and not for some lovey-dovey shit." He pushes me with such a force that I fall down.
"Get that through your skull."

I cannot comprehend the feelings rushing through my heart right now.
Pain, hurt, humiliation and above all betrayal was what I felt right now. My beacon of hope was a cataclysmic flame, it burnt my notion to ashes.

"W-why?" I choked on my words, "Why me?"

He lets out a baleful laugh,
"Your stupidity amuses me! You go out with a complete stranger, trust him with your life, why won't you be targeted?"

"You should be ashamed of yourself on breaking someone's trust," I hiss.
"It's not something to feel proud of."

"You Bella, are in no position to tell me what's rightful. Better keep that smart mouth shut, I won't hesitate to tear you between your legs." I cringe at the thought.

Yes he is attractive, yes he is charming but that doesn't cover up for the devil residing in him. I fall on my knees out of pure defeat. All my tears are dried out.

"Take a shower, the carpet is expensive." He says throwing a T-shirt and a pair of leggings towards me. I take the clothing and see him pointing to a door, the bathroom I guess. I keep my head low and walk in. A hot shower sounds nice now.

I step out of my clothes and enter the hot showers. The bathroom is modular, with high end technologies and top setting options.

None of them captivate me though. I take the available shampoo and lather it on my hair. The wound on my forehead burns but it is so mere compared to the burn on the inside.

Unfaithfully His [H.S. & Z.M.]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα