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Here's your chapter lovelies, muah! <3<3

"Ara! Oh my god! Are you alright honey?" Mum adjusts her messed up clothes and rushes towards me standing stunned at the door.

"I was so terrified! You, you are okay right? Please say something sweetheart..." She kissed my entire face, wetting my cheeks with her tears.

"Speak up Arabella! You are scaring me now!" She shakes me violently. "Ara.. Please.. Please just tell me that you are alright..." She pulls me into a hug.

"I don't think you need to know that." I swat her arms away. "You clearly seem to enjoy your life." I say glaring at Phil.

"Ara look I can explain." She begins panicking. In a blink of an eye Phil is next to her, comforting.

"I don't want to hear it!" I shout. "Were you even worried about me or this is just an act to coverup?" I say harshly.

"This is not the way to talk to your mother Arabella!" Phil says, more like screams in his deep voice. I finch at the sound but try not to show it.

"You are no one to teach me manners. This is my family matter and you better stay away from it." I challenge him.


"No mum. Save it." I glare at them before stepping out and slamming the door behind me. I pace hastily to Harry's house, ignoring my mum's pleading.

"We should give her some space." I hear Phil say behind my back, making me roll my eyes.

Harry opens the door after three impatient knocks.

"Bella?" He looks confused when I envelope him in a hug. I need to calm my raging nerves.

"Come inside." He pats my back and I step in. I sit on his couch while he rubs my back with a soothing pace. My shoulders relax at the assault of his skilful fingers, applying pressure at the most accurate points.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He stands in front of me and eye's my face thoughtfully.

"No." I bury my face in my palms. I'm definitely not ready to think about the incident at my house.

"Do you want to rest then?" He shifts his weight from one foot to another, rocking back and forth. I nod at his question and he lets me use his shower. After cleaning myself of all the dirt and all the violent, disturbing thoughts I step in his bedroom wearing his clothes. His clothes.

Harry's face lights up after checking me out from hair to toe. He chuckles to himself and makes the bed ready.

"Hop in." He tells me while sliding underneath the blankets.

"Bella, you know that I'm always there for you, right?" His fingertips barely touch my cheeks like I'm fragile glass which would shatter in seconds.

"I know. That's why I'm here." I place my head on his chest in an attempt to hear his heartbeat, which quickens at our close proximity.

"Are you comfortable?"

"Yup." I say lowly. A tear escapes my eye followed by numerous others, creating a puddle over his clothed chest. He doesn't say anything but holds me closely.

"My mum Harry, I found her with Phil. She was kissing him! I can't comprehend how hurt I am! I was out there kidnapped and tortured by jerks, wandering in the forests just worrying about her wellbeing and this is how I am welcomed home." I am fully crying at this point. His strong arms keep me from shaking due to this wave of emotions.

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