TweNty SiX

182 26 189

Okay so my dearest readers, THANK YOU SO MUCH for 2.5K reads and comments plus 690 votes ha!!! Your response is so overwhelming, I promise you that I won't let you down.
All these chapters were in Ara's POV, but as you guys gave me this gift, there will be a switch of POV today!!!
Love ya beautiful babes ♥ - A

Guilt. The feeling that can make sure to eat you up slowly but regularly.

Guilt. The five lettered word is enough to make you regret your decisions and reconsider your moves in this game called life.

Guilt is what rushed through my body when I saw Zayn sprawled out behind the bushes, his beautiful face etched in discomfort and pure agony.

As the sun is near the horizon, ready to drive away the dark blue sky, I stay still like death, staring into empty spaces. I make a movement to a groaning sound coming from upstairs, from Zayn.

I wrap my fingers on the cold metal handle and twist it, pushing open the door with a slight jerk. He has his body hidden in the sheets and his head held up in pain. Sighing, I march towards the nightstand and take a painkiller for him to consume.

He maintains his role of being silent and takes the pill. I open my mouth multiple times but words don't spill out. Not once does he glance in my direction and falls on the soft mattress, his back turned to me.

I decide to leave him alone and do myself a favour by brewing some hot coffee. As the bitter sweet aroma of my drink fills my senses, I began thinking about the ways of apologising Zayn. I never told him that I cancelled out on moving countries, that pretty much explains his disappointment in me.

Even though I was way too engrossed drowning in my own miseries and ill fate, I admit that it was wrong of me to not inform the guy whom I left behind crying. What surprises me is the fact that he never crossed my mind yesterday.

"When did you wake up." A voice brings me back from my thoughts. I turn around to see Zayn standing at the door of the kitchen.

"I didn't sleep last night." I tell him. He enters the room nodding and picks up an apple from the table. Is it bad that I expected him to ask me about my sleepless night?

"How are you feeling now?" I trail behind him to our dining table. He sits on the chair taking small bites of the fruit and ignores my question altogether.

"Zayn, I asked how are you feeling right now?" I say annoyed with his attitude. I know I'm wrong but at least he can let me explain.

"Good." He says looking at his reflection on the glass table. I fiddle with my fingers, trying to come up with something that would help me hold a conversation with him. He hasn't been this upset with me before.

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