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Embarrassment was an understatement of what I feel right now. I've never been this exposed to anyone in my life. It's disturbing. I'm humiliated.

"Bella! Oh my god, are you alright?" Harry rushed to my side instantly. He grabbed the towel and placed it over me. He helped me up repeatedly asking if I was okay. I hold the piece of cloth tightly to myself and break down in tears.

"Shh! Bella! I saw nothing okay? Don't be scared." He coos in my ear hugging me tightly. I whimper in his chest, maybe the insecurities about my body are making me feel bad right now.

"Let's get you dressed up before you catch cold." He pats my back signalling me to walk. I clutch the towel and walk towards the bedroom. He leaves me alone to change. I go through the wardrobe and pick up the usual- baggy t-shirt and leggings. Sliding them on my body, I think of how I'm gonna face Harry after today's incident. He almost saw me naked, thankfully he didn't make a move on me but I don't know for how long he can contain himself from getting in my pants. I'm all by myself here, no one to protect me. I'm just being paranoid, if he wanted to make a move on me, he would've done it long ago.

After making myself presentable, I step out of the room scanning the living area for Harry. As I am about to call for him, he shouts, "I am in the bathroom enjoying an amazing shower!" I smile at the idiot living with me.

Unknowingly, my gaze lands upon his mobile phone. This is my chance to call mum. I keep my eyes at the bathroom door for any possible movement while I grab his phone swiftly. The screen lights up and all my plans go into the dark. It's asking for the pin.

Now, if I knew Harry enough, he's the kind of guy who would keep his birth date as a pin, but I don't even know that. Sighing, I keep the phone as it was. Minutes later, he came out of the bathroom with a towel on his waist and one tied up on his head. Aww he looks so cute.

"Can you make the breakfast? I mean I don't mind doing it but I'm, kind of, tired after running so much, it's been ages since I did that." He pouts.

"No problem." I smile, "Would you like omelette with bread? The bread would expire soon so we need to finish it." I ask him. Wasting any type of food is the last thing I want to do right now.

"I'm good. Thanks by the way." He walks to the bedroom shutting the door behind him. I get up and start preparing food for our growling stomachs.

Me and Harry are sitting across the table each with a plate of steaming omelette along with brown bread a d a cup of heavenly tea. I found some teabags while searching for plates. Bless the place.

"So Bella, about earlier, you know when you tripped and..." He trails of noticing my discomfort and embarrassment regarding the topic. "I saw fear in those brown eyes... I mean I understand that your humility is important to you but, the fear was different... You were scared of me, I saw you finch at my touch.." He spoke slowly, making sure that I catch the emotion in his speech. "You shouldn't be scared of me. I know it's difficult for you to trust me after whatever we went through but you can count on me. It's my duty to protect you, we are alone here and we need to take care of each other. I hope I'm clear." He speaks with authority waiting for my answer. I simply nod at him.

"Can we eat now? I'm starving." He chuckles but gestures me to attack my food. It feels good to eat after a rigorous workout.

"Have you received any kind of training in martial arts?" He questions out of curiosity.

"Yes. When we were young, Zayn used to take Karate classes. He was extremely good at that, a black belt holder. Back then mum couldn't afford to pay for those coaching so Zayn taught me some moves." I go back to the time when we were 12 year olds.

Unfaithfully His [H.S. & Z.M.]Where stories live. Discover now